Horizon X2 Aircraft Investment Idea

As you may or may not know I have a passion for flying planes. As a kid I built and flew dozens of R/C planes. The two most enjoyable aircrafts I flew were the F-15 Fighter Jet, the acrobatic Extra 300, and an amphibious plane called the LazyBee…
Automated Trading System Interview

Gold Still in a Bear Market, But Don’t Lose Hope

We talked with the Gold and Oil Guy today, Chris Vermeulen. He says that Gold is still in a bear market, like it has been for the past three years. There’s an opportunity to pick up a quick profit when it rebounds from its current plunge,…
Gold Day Trading
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His Secret To Day Trading Gold

It does not matter what your specialty is for trading is we all have our own little trading secrets to help use better time our trades. While many day traders focus on individual stocks like aapl, goog, tsla etc... I like to focus on day trading…
Algorithmic Trading System
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2015 Stock Market Forecast And Your Trading Plan

US Stock Market On The Verge Of Exciting Times The S&P 500 stock market has been under strong rotation since mid-2014. Rotation in the stock market is when the trend changes direction from an uptrend to a downtrend or vice versa. But…

The S&P 500 Is Going Lower . . . Sooner Rather than Later

On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 it was early afternoon during the trading day and I arose from my screens to go grab a drink out of my refrigerator. In the process of grabbing a drink, I went out to see what came in the mail and to get a few…

Is Borate a Actor or Rare Earth Element Opportunity?

Over the last couple of months I have started sharing some insights on the penny stock market. Those of you who follow me know I have been steering clear of the penny stock market since 2011. Back during bull market from 2009 – 2011 investing…

Investors That Do Not Understand The Power Of Seven Will Lose Money in 2015

Investors and traders around the world continually search to find or increase their edge in the financial markets to boost profits. The next few months are going to be critical for investors because the number seven is now in play for the stock…

Crude Oil Slides to Multi Year Lows and What to Expect

Looking back to 2007 (seven years ago) we have seen the price of crude oil perform incredible price swings. No matter the time frame in which we observe price when an extreme price spike takes place due to news/event, statistics show that half…
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The Big, Bold and Ugly

Since July of 2014 the big cap stocks have continued to make new highs as investors dump more and more money into the stock market. Overall bullishness on the stock market is now at extremely high levels which typically happen before a major…

Canadian Venture Index – Gold & Penny Stocks

Last week I met with a local professional trader who specialized in trading only Canadian stocks. While he mainly trades the 75 large cap stocks on the TSX which have the liquidity requirements he needs, he also trades penny stocks on occasion. When…