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Gold Forecast – This Is Going To Be Exciting
Gold Forecast: During the past year there has been very little talk about gold, silver or gold stocks in the media. Yet the year before it was all the media could talk about and they even had the price of gold streaming live all day in the corner…
How to Trade Gold – Gold ETF Trading Newsletter
I did a short video a while back on momentum trading gold and wanted to share it and post it in the members area of the website for you to view. It's short and basic, but useful.
Current snap shot of gold trend...
The Market Leaders Are Being Distributed!
I just posted a timely article talking about how the market leaders (groups/sectors) which lead the stock market higher have been met with strong selling. All of March we saw some distribution selling but the past few weeks it is clear that…
ETF Trading Newsletter: Live Trade of the Month – It’s a bit Corny
ETF Trading Newsletter: In early February I started watching the CORN ETF very closely for a possible new bull market starting and a long entry point. Many of the other commodities had already posted strong rallies while corn sat on the side…
SP500 ETF Trading Strategies & Plan of Attack for This Week
Index ETF Trading Strategies: Stocks have kick started this week with a 0.85% pop in price but the big question is if the market can hold up. Last week stocks repeatedly gap higher and sold off with strong volume telling us that institutions…
ETF Trading Newsletter: Ross Clark & Vermeulen Talk Trading
Ross Clark of CIBC & Technical Analyst of Institutional Advisors Talks Technical Analysis with Chris Vermeulen
Ross Clark has specialized in technical analysis of the markets since the 1970’s. As a charter member of CompuTrac and then…
Why Gold Is Falling & A Gold Forecast You May Not Like
The bitter truth about what may happen to gold is not all that exciting and likely don’t want to know, but you need to understand what is unfolding as we speak…
Long story short, the prices of bonds look as though they are about to rally…
Gold Forecast & Fresh Good News!!
Watch here to learn more about my improved gold forecast and etf newsletter...
Also You may want to see these three new long term investment plays: