The August Stock market Breakdown Prediction and Analysis
Our August 19th breakdown prediction aligns with our other analysis tools and predictive modeling systems. The key to understanding price action lies in two modes of operational aspects for analysts. Either the analysis is going to be correct and the markets will break down as we have predicted or the analysis will be incorrect and the markets will break higher to rally to new highs. We call this the “failure to fail” mode or the “failure to succeed” mode of compliance for price. Either it will do what we expect or it won’t.
There are a few things that we, as analysts, must take into consideration with regards to future predictions of price action and direction. First, sometimes we fail to make perfect predictions. It is not easy or 100% guaranteed that our predictions will become valid or accurate on the day we suggest price should move in a certain direction.
We are going to show you the ADL charts that support our predictions and we are going to discuss why we believe the setup is still valid, but we are going to have to let price confirm our prediction and wait for it to move in a direction that either confirms our research or invalidates it.
As many of you know, we use advanced tools to help us understand and predictions regarding future price moves. Many of our tools align with price cycles, predictive modeling, and other price modeling tools that we use to try to understand where and when the price may turn or continue to trend in a specific direction.
One of our most advanced tools is the Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) predictive modeling tool. With it, we can ask the ADL tool to show us what price will attempt to do in the future based on a type of DNA candlestick mapping that attempts to isolate the highest probability outcomes.