As you may or may not know, the markets have a way of making it extremely difficult to trade in general almost all of the time if you do not have a trading plan.

One of the ways the market likes to pull money from traders is through morning opening gaps. For example, yesterday, the inflow of emails about gold, silver, and gold miners was insane. I keep trying to keep everyone in check with how to handle high-risk, high uncertainty, and volatile times, which, for our case right now, is a cash position for a few more days.

Unfortunately, big moves in price trigger emotions with some of you. It causes you to start trading just because you think you need to trade, which can be for many different reasons I won’t get into here. You should know my stance by now, which is cash is a position, and retaining our capital is more important than trading some times.

I know for a fact that all successful traders have a detailed trading plan, they can control their emotions, are logical, and they wait for opportunities vs. jumping at anything that moves more than normal.

Below is our portfolio equity curve, which we hit an all-time new high just days after the stock market started its crash. Maybe if you see what your portfolio growth curve would look like if you followed my trades, you will finally see the value in CASH.

I don’t trade a lot, and we are in cash when we don’t have any positions. Other times we will have 2 or 4 positions open, but it all depends on the market and volatility. You want trading to be simple, boring, and profitable, trust me on this.



Ok, enough of that rant, BACK TO MORING PRICE GAPS!
The stock market loves to do most of the day’s price range and profit potential in a way the average trader is not able to catch the move. Even more so, it is trying to get traders the worst entry or exit price.

New members over time will see and understand this when I talk about these gaps getting faded in my morning videos, which I will explain in a minute. For now, let’s take a look at the price of gold and the market sentiment from yesterday.

Yesterday gold traders were acting like a school of piranha’s. A big one day pop in price is like a drop of blood in the water, and it created a feeding frenzy. There was so much momentum going into the closing bell that the market makers will take advantage of this and walk the price up in pre-market trading the next day and try to reach the next resistance level before the opening bell.

This is what happened to gold, and miners this morning.  Market makers know there are still a ton of gold and miner stock buyers out there who are going to BUY as soon as the market opens, so what happens?

The general public pays the high price, way up at resistance, and the market makers get to sell any access shares they have for a huge profit. After that, the price generally fades (falls) back down, and the majority of buyers that day just bought at the high because of pure emotions and a lack of understanding. This happens for gaps to the downside as well in a similar manner.

Now, keep in mind, this is a very short term price action. The gap may fade down over the rest of the session or a few days, but it does not mean the uptrend is the price is finished longer term.

My point is, the market has a way to get you a bad fill MOST of the time if you do not understand how and why the price moves the way it does. Even if you know all this, sometimes we have no choice to pay the price depending on the trade setup if we want to get into a position. I just wanted to share this small tidbit on how the market moves with price gaps because almost all price gaps fill, fade back down to the previous days high for the stock indexes. Commodities gaps don’t always fill, because they are a very different asset class than equities.


In short, gold is the only one in a bull market, and it’s been the definite leader time and time again for the past year almost. It remains in a bull market, and all the money printing/QE, and zero interest rate things are very bullish on metals long term. I like gold a lot, have for a while. I think it’s going higher still as I pointed out in yesterday’s afternoon video, $2600 is my primary target long term. If you didn’t watch yesterdays afternoon video be sure to do so here:

Members video:

As for gold miners and silver, well today is the same story as yesterday, everyone wants to own them and thinks they are missing the train. How you should see these charts and how to best trade them I tell you in yesterday’s afternoon video.

Trading now, in my opinion, is pure speculation and emotionally driven. Sure, you could be right, and this could be the bottom, but as technical traders using rules, logic, and a proven strategy, we are not cowboys trying to pick a bottom to be early. A broken clock is right two times a day. You may get lucky, but because bottom picking without any technical confirmation is a sucker’s (gamblers) game in the long run.

As our portfolio graph above speaks for its self, in that we do not need to catch every move, in fact, we just need to catch a couple of low-risk trades and slowly build our capital.  I was told by one of my mentor traders years ago, once trading becomes slow and boring to you, that’s when you finally understand the market and have a proven trading strategy.

I hope you find this helpful, and if you want this type of info every day, plus my videos, and winning trading strategy, become a member right now!

Chris Vermeulen
Chief Market Strategist

In this second part of our research into the potential collateral damage, the Covid-19 global virus event may cause in the housing and commercial real estate markets, we want to start by sharing some information that severe cracks are already starting to appear in the entire system.

Hedge funds and banking institutions may already be feeling the pressure to attempt to contain the losses that are piling up (source: https://www-bloomberg-com).

An extended decline in the global markets will continue to place pressure on institutional financial markets, banks, hedge funds, and other traditional lending and investment firms.  Investors will start to pull investment capital away from risk (out of the markets and funds) and may expose some of these larger institutions’ excessive leverage and risk exposure in the process.

This is almost exactly what happened with Bernie Madoff when his firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, collapsed in December 2008.  As long as there was no pressure on his firm from clients pulling out capital or asking too many questions, he was allowed to continue running his Ponzi scheme.  Once investors started pulling capital out of the firm and questioning the transactions/reports, it became evident that it was all a house of cards and would come crashing down quickly.

If larger investment firms and hedge funds are attempting to “buy the dip” at this point in time, we believe they are making a grave mistake.  We believe the downside risks associated with the Covid-19 virus event are just starting to unfold and the collateral damage that may come from this massive global shutdown that is currently taking place will be unprecedented.  We don’t believe there has been anything like this happening in any recent history – even WWII pales in comparison to this event.

News is starting to hit the wires about large investment firms and Real Estate investment companies sounding the alarm  The one news item out this weekend that caught our attention was this one from https://www-bloomberg-com. The fear is evident in the short content of this news article.

“Loan repayment demands are likely to escalate on a systemic level, triggering a domino effect of borrower defaults that will swiftly and severely impact the broad range of stakeholders in the entire real estate market, including property and homeowners, landlords, developers, hotel operators, and their respective tenants and employees,” he wrote.

Just take look at the foreclosures in the major cities starting to spike in the maps below. This was before the virus closed down most businesses, and everyone losing their jobs. Give the fact that 70% or more of the world lives pay-check to pay-check, foreclosures and real estate values are likely to plummet lower to an extreme similar to how overpriced they are now.

I have talked about his in some presentations, and in videos in the past how real estate is grossly overvalued and when the music stops, prices will tumble. Huge opportunities for those who can preserve their capital until the recession matures enough will be able to buy real estate, businesses, and equipment for pennies on the dollar, but this will take another 1-2 years from now I imagine, but it will be great for those with money on hand when things get ugly.

Be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!




Many of you may remember my Crunching Numbers article from just a week ago where I attempted to model what I believe would be the likely outcome of US GDP over the next 5+ years?  Well, it now appears others are following up with their own predictions for US GDP.   Based on some of the expectations within this Bloomberg article, my predictions pale in comparison to these comments.  Source:

Now, let’s try to be realistic about how this entire process is likely to take place.  We know the economy will find a base (at some point) and attempt to recover from this virus event.  The question is what does that base look like and where is the bottom?

We won’t really know where the bottom is in the global markets until most of the unknowns have been processed, most of the collateral damage has been identified and processed, and consumers realize the bottom is in sight.  At that point, there is a real chance that the global markets will begin a recovery process that may eventually push to new all-time highs.

What we’re concerned about right now is the Q1 and Q2 economic activity and how that relates to consumer markets, credit markets, existing business enterprises and the potential collateral damage to hard assets like homes, commercial real estate and other foundations of wealth.  We believe the first few dominos of this event will be the collapse of jobs, earnings, and consumer spending.  The longer the global stays in a mostly shutdown economic environment, the greater the risks these critical numbers will implode – possibly taking with it the rest of the economy.

We believe the suspension of Foreclosures for a potential 12 month period may not reduce the total number of foreclosures across the US, we believe it may compound the problem.  The suspension effort is designed to help people stay in their homes if their incomes become threatened or lost.  But the reality is that a Foreclosure suspension will simply start to build larger and larger numbers of properties in foreclosure (waiting for the suspension to be lifted) while home prices potentially collapse.

We’ll dig into more data in Part III of this article and attempt to illustrate the data we believe will point to a clearer picture of how all of this may unfold in the near future.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

The current global Covid-19 virus event has upended everyone’s forward expectations related to the US and global economy.  Recently, President Trump has announced a 12-month reprieve for homeowners who find themselves without income, or a job, because of the US National Emergency related to the Covid-19 pandemic (source:  All of the recent repositionings of the global markets and forward expectations got us thinking about “what happens after 8 to 12+ months?  How will the US and global markets attempt a recovery process – if at all?”.  Today, we are going to try to start digging into the data that we believe is relevant to the future in terms of hard asset prices (home and other property) and more liquid asset prices (global financial markets).

First, we want to preface this article by stating that humans are somewhat predictable in terms of how they will react in emergency or panic situations like this current Covid-19 pandemic.  Initially, they will react to protect what is vital to them (family, assets, safety).  This same thing happened in the 2008-09 credit market crisis market collapse.  Then, after a bit more time, people change their thinking and start to adapt to the situation as it unfolds.  We believe that 30 to 60 days from now, as more information becomes available and consumers globally are more capable of addressing the true longer-term risks of this virus event, a social process will begin to take place where valuations and expectations will adjust to the new perceived outcome (whatever that may be).

The global stock market has collapsed nearly -35% based on our Custom Indexes.  The SPY has collapsed -32.25% since February 23, 2020.  During the 2008-09 Credit Crisis, the SPY collapsed -57.50% before finding a bottom near $67.10.  We believe this initial price decline in the global markets is just the first downside price collapse of what may become many.  Ultimately, we believe the 2015/2016 lows will become the ultimate support for this downside move in the US markets.

Be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!




The data that is currently being reported and posted is data from January and February 2020.  Current expectations for March data look grim (at best).  Jobless claims, hours worked, and other economic data for the US and global markets may shock investors and the general public for many months to come.  In 2008-09, these types of large economic contraction numbers were not uncommon.  We want to prepare all of our friends and followers that we believe the next 6 to 12+ months could somewhat mirror what we saw in 2008-09 – be prepared.

If our assumptions are correct, the reprieve in Foreclosures and Mortgage repayments for US consumers may not do much to resolve the ultimate problem.  The problem will quickly revolve around the issue of how quickly the US economy can resume somewhat normal functions after the virus event subsides.  We believe the reprieve offered to US consumers will assist in making the data a bit more tolerable for a short period of time, but ultimately any extended disruption in the US and global economy will result in extended risks in hard assets like homes, commercial property, and future valuation expectations.


This multi-part research article will dig deeper into the data and expected data to help you prepare for what may be likely in the markets (hard and soft).  Now is the time to prepare for what could become one of the biggest disruptions in the global markets and global society we’ve ever seen.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

Exactly one month ago, on February 20th, the SP500 made an all-time high and reversed its trend to the downside. What a wild ride the last month has been across virtually all asset classes.

Out of all the major indexes, commodities, and currencies, only one asset and trade moved higher. It’s no surprise given the title that cash or the US Dollar is the asset of choice having rallied over 9% while everything else fell with bonds down 22.75%, stocks 30%-40%, gold miners 58%, and crude down 62%.

My team and I have talked about this rotation to safety into USA/US Dollar) since the lows back in 2018. During the recent stock and commodity price crash, we have seen where investors are dumping their money. It’s not gold, it’s not bonds, but the US Currency. Stocks and commodities are being sold around the globe, and that money is buying up the US dollar.



The 30+% correction in the ST&P 500 index has been an extraordinary event. Those who have proven trading strategies and abide strictly to position, and risk management rules have been able to not only avoid the market crash but profit and reach new account highs. While those who trade for the thrill, expect oversized gains regularly, and who don’t have a clear trading plan or position management are suffering from the recent selloff.

Last night I watched a great video talking about performance and the winning mindset that both traders and top athletes share. The different ways someone can trade profitably in the markets is fascinating. If you want to be inspired to be a better person and trader, take a look at this video by Real Vision with Dr. Gio Valiante.

Ok, so let us jump into the charts. As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a couple of bull/bear market cycles. I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders and long-term investors.

As you will see from the chart below, I keep things easy for you to see visually and get the idea of what to expect moving forward. The green line is a very significant long term support level on the S&P 500 index. Knowing that price has fallen straight down to this level gives us a much higher chance of a bounce at a minimum.

Trade Tip: The faster the price moves to a critical support or resistance level, the higher the chance you will have a bounce back from that level for a candlestick or three.

The pink arrow on the chart points towards a candlestick pattern, which I call Tweezers. These should be seen as a possible reversal signal.

Lastly, is the red resistance zone. I know it’s a huge range, but at this point, it’s the area we will zero in on once/if price starts to near that level.


This chart is the 30-minute chart of the index and only shows regular trading hours between 9:30 am ET and 4 pm ET. While this is only 1/3rd of the trading day for futures, it is when the majority of contracts/shares are traded, so that is my main focus for analysis.

Since 2001 I have been building and refining my trading strategies to make them somewhat automated. This chart below shows my trend colored chart, which is the basis of my trading for almost all asset classes. What the S&P 500 does directly relates to how I trade or avoid other asset classes.

Recently, we created a market gauge showing you visually where the market is within its 30-50 day price cycle.

When the trend changed, and the bars turned orange on Feb 25th subscribers, and I closed our equities position because they were now out of favor. This allowed us to avoid the market crash through trend analysis, and from our trailing stop order.


The two charts below of bonds show the same trend and trades but share some different trading tips.

The first 30-minute chart shows a pink line, which was our trend trade. The strategy is to look for large patterns, wait for a trend change, and then take advantage of the new trend. This trade we entered mid-January.

The key points from this chart are to know when the price goes parabolic in any direction and with huge price gaps, know its time to start scaling out of a trade, or close it.


The second point is that you must have a trading plan and actively manage your trade by moving up protective stop orders, so when price corrects, you are taken out of the trade automatically.

This daily chart of bonds shows the large bullish chart pattern (bull flag). I waited for price to breakout, the trend to turn green, and then entered the trade using Fibonacci extensions for price targets, which I have found are the absolute best way to spot our price targets. If bonds were to rally to the 100% measured move, we would close the trade, and that is what happened exactly.

A few things took place at that price level, which has the charts screaming at me to sell. First, the 100% target was reached. The second was that price was going parabolic with a 10% gap higher above my target, and volume was extremely high, meaning everyone, including their grandmother, were buying bonds. If everyone is buying the same thing, its time to move on to a new chart.


While subscribers of my ETF trading signals and I profited on GDXJ as an early safe-haven trade exiting our position at the high tick of the day before it reversed and fell 58%, most traders I know still hold their gold miner’s positions.

For most of us, it is tough to sell a winning trade, and it is even harder to sell a losing trade. And knowing most trades will turn into a losing trade if you hold them long enough, the odds are clearly stacked against you as a trader.

This pullback in metals and miners, which turned into something much larger than I ever expected, is a huge shock to most people. The reality is history shows during extreme volatility/fear both gold and bonds collapse, and it is nothing new or unexpected.

In fact, I posted a warning that both will fall two days before they topped and collapsed in this special report.


In short, we are experiencing some unprecedented price swings in the financial system, but other than extra-large market selloffs, and rallies the charts are still moving and telling us the same things for trading and investing.

There are times when the markets are untradable as a swing trader, which is has been the last 15 days because of how them market has been moving. It is a fantastic time for day traders, but with some sectors moving 10-25% a day back to back like the gold miners or crude oil, it is high-risk trading (gambling) right now.

With all that said, my inter-market analysis is pointing to some tradable price action potentially starting next week. The potential is larger than normal because price volatility remains elevated, meaning 10-20% moves over a week or two are expected.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

Chris Vermeulen says money is moving just as it has in the past 5 waves of panic. This is a normal technical behavior in this type of market. There will be a huge move when money comes back into the stock market within several weeks. This will mark the first bounce in the bear market. All the countries of the world are pumping and dumping money into their economies.

Eventually, the music will come to an end. Dumping trillions may work out well for everyone, Americans, government, and investors. Whatever happens, it’s going to be a major plus for precious metals and mining stocks.

Click Here to Listen to the Audio

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

Recently, I was asked to participate in a live radio talk with Arnold Gay and Yasmin Wonkers at Money 89.3 Asia First and was sent the following questions to prepare for the show.  I thought this would be a great way to share my thoughts and expectations related to the Covid-19 virus, global economics and what the Central Banks are doing to combat this virus economic event.

The reality is that the bottom in the markets won’t set up until fear subsides and the unknowns related to this virus event are behind us.  Until then, the global markets will attempt to seek out the true valuation levels based on this fear and the unknowns.  This means true valuation could be much further away from current price levels as the virus event is still very fluid in nature.

I’ve included a few of our custom index charts to highlight exactly where the markets are currently situated and have attempted to explain my thinking related to these charts.  Please continue reading.

First, be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!


This first chart is our Custom Smart Cash Index Weekly Chart.  We had been expecting a breakdown in the US stock market last August/September 2019 (near the origination point of the line on the RSI pane) as our Super-Cycle system indicated a major breakdown was likely near the end of 2019 and into early 2020.

As the US Fed started pumping credit into the Repo market and the US/China trade deal settled over many months, a zombie-like price rally pushed prices higher through December 2019 and into early 2020.  We alerted our members that this was likely a blow-off rally and to prepare for greater risks.

You can see how dramatic the change in trend actually is on this chart.  We have broken the upward sloping price channel and moved all the way to the lower range of the GREEN downward sloping price channel.  This is HUGE.  Near these levels, we believe the US stock market will attempt to find support while continuing to rotate and setup additional “waterfall downside price events”.  These custom indexes help us to understand the “hidden side” of the market price action.

Chart by TradingView


This next Weekly chart is the Custom US Stock Market Index and we want you to pay very close attention to the fact that the recent lows have come all the way down to reach the upper range of the 2016 trading range.  Once the 2018 lows were breached, we knew the markets were setting up for a deeper downside price move.

We do believe this current level is likely to prompt some type of “Dead Cat Bounce” or moderate support though.  The entire range of 2016 (low, midpoint and high) are very much in play right now as these represent the current support levels for the US stock market.  We do believe some moderate support will be found near these levels – yet we have to wait for the price to confirm this bottom setup.

Chart by TradingView


This is our Weekly Custom Volatility Index and the extremely low price level on this chart suggests the US stock market may attempt to try to find moderate support soon.  We have not seen levels this low since 2009.  If the markets continue to push lower, this Custom Index will continue to stay below 6.0 as the price continues to decline.  Yet, we believe this extremely low price level may set up a bit of support near recent lows (within the 2016 range) and may set up a sideways FLAG formation before the next downside price leg.

Chart by TradingView

Please continue reading the questions (below) and answers/thoughts to those questions (below the questions).  We certainly hope this information helps you to understand and prepare for the next 6 to 12+ months as we believe the volatility and unknowns will persist for at least another 4 to 6+ months. But keep in mind the market dynamics change on a daily and weekly basis and if you want to safely navigate them and have a profitable year follow my analysis and ETF trades here


1. Rates at zero, massive injections and coordinated central bank action… why isn’t the market convinced the situation is under control?

2. What are investors looking for now – A peak in coronavirus infection rates? A sense that a proper healthcare response is in place and won’t be overwhelmed?

3. The main issue seems to be that this is not a slowdown, but the sudden closure of economic activity, do you see massive fiscal support coming, including bailouts for sectors like airlines?

4. Do you get a sense that the White House finally gets it, and is now moving to reassure markets and ordinary Americans?


The markets are not reacting to what the global central banks are doing right now and probably won’t react positively until two things happen: fear of the unknown subsides across the globe and the total scope of the global economic destruction is assessed (think of this as TRUE PRICE VALUATION).  Right now, we are in the midst of a self-actuating supply and demand-side economic contraction that will result in a renewed valuation level as markets digest the ongoing efforts to contain/stop this virus.  Where is the bottom, I have an idea of where the bottom might setup – but the price will be what dictates if that becomes true.

If 2018 lows fail to hold as a support level, then we are very likely going to attempt to reach the 2016 trading range and I believe the midpoint and low price range of 2016 are excellent support levels for the market. I show the SP500, Nasdaq and Dow Jones index analysis and prediction in this video below.

What we are looking for in terms of closure of this event (or at least a pathway out of it) is some type of established containment of the event, the spread of the infections and the ability for governments and economies to begin to advance forward again.  As long as we are stuck in reverse and do not have any real control of the forward objective (meaning consumers, corporations and governments are reacting to this event), then we will have no opportunity to properly estimate forward expectations and advancement in local and global economies – and that is the real problem.

The White House and most governments get it and are not missing any data with regards to this virus event.  I truly believe that once this virus event ends and the general population gets back to “business as normal”, the world’s economy will, fairly quickly, return to some form of normal – with advancing expectations, new technology and continued global economic and banking functions.  Until that happens, which is the effective containment and control of this virus event, then no amount of money or speech writing is going to change anything.

Far too many people are acting emotionally and afraid right now.  The facts are simple; until we get a proper handle on this virus event, there will continue to be extended threats to our economy, people, families and almost every aspect of our infrastructure, banking, society and more.  Once the virus event is mostly contained and settled, then we can get back to business cleaning up this mess and finding our way forward.

I’m not worried too much, my research team and I advised our clients to move into bonds and cash before the drop in equities and have been warning our members of a “zombie-rally) for the past 5+ months which took place as expected.  We called for a “volatile 2020 with a very strong potential for a breakdown in global markets” near August 2019.  This is playing out almost exactly like we expected (except we had no idea a virus event would be the cause).

I firmly believe the global leaders and dozens of technology firms will have a vaccine and new medical advancements to address the Covid-19 virus.  I believe this event will be mostly behind us in about 90+ days.  What happens at that point is still unknown, but I believe we will be able to see a pathway forward and I believe all nations will work together to strengthen our future.

In closing, I urge everyone to try to relax a bit and understand this is a broad (global) market event with a bunch of unknowns.  It is not like the Fed can just throw money at this problem and make it go away.  This is going to be a process where multiple nations and various industries and groups of people will have to work together to reduce and eliminate this threat.  Because of that, there are no real clear answers right now – other than to be prepared for a few months of quarantine to be safe.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

Have we seen this pattern before?

Be prepared for some really ugly earnings data in Q2 and Q3 of this year, then we’ll figure out if our expectations were accurate or not and what we should be doing to plan going forward.

The type of market condition I think we have entered could be here for a long time, and it’s going to be a traders’ market, which means you must have a trading strategy, plan your trades, and trade your plan. It’s amazing how simple a few trading rules that are written down on paper can save you thousands of dollars a week or month from locking in gains or cutting losses.

I have this mini trading strategy mastery course if you want to take control of your trades and override your emotional issues. And also if you want to start making money from home which is the only option going forward the next 3-6 months from the looks of it my trading as a business program is something to think about doing.

– If you hold winners until they turn into losers

– Taking too large of a position and get stuck with a drawdown so large that if you close the position you will lose 10-50% of your trading account

– have masted the art of buying high and selling low repeatedly?

All these things happen to most traders, and they can easily be overcome with a logical game plan I cover in the crash courses, pun intended 🙂

In short, if you have lost money with your trading account this year giving back years of gains, I think it’s worth joining my trading newsletter so you can stay on top of the markets and if you really want to excel take my mini-courses. I take the loud, emotional, and complex markets and deliver simple common sense commentary and a couple of winning trades each month for you to follow.

My trading is nothing extreme or crazy exciting because I’m not an adrenaline trading junky. I only want to grow my entire portfolio 2-4% a month with a couple of conservative ETF trades. Earning 22% – 48% return on my capital every year without the stress of being caught up in this type of market, and knowing I have a proven bear market trading strategy incase this market continues to fall is a comforting thought.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

In this section of this multi-part research article related to the potential economic destruction of the Covid-19 virus event across the global markets (Part IPart II).

We’re going to peer into data related to the GDP and other factors of the US economy.  Remember, the US economy is the largest single economy and consumption component in the world.  As we suggested in our earlier research, the US and China (combined) account for about 30% of the total global GDP each year.  The top 12+ GDP nations on the planet account for just under 80% of the total annual GDP for the globe.  What happens if economic activity and global GDP collapse for the next 24+ months because of the Covid-19 virus?

First, be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!

The second thing we want to discuss is the real potential for economic interruption within the global markets.  As of today, the US has declared an emergency status and many states and cities have already started to shut down schools, sporting events, entertainment venues and many other aspects of the US economy.  Additionally, a travel ban has been set up in an attempt to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the potential of an uncontrolled global contagion.  We believe these travel restrictions will stay in place for at least 60+ days and we believe the spread of this virus will continue for at least another 45+ days before potentially “leveling off”.

The third thing we want to discuss is the economic fallout that is resulting from this Covid-19 event.  It has clearly become evident that exporting a large portion of our manufacturing capabilities to China and other nations puts the USA in a very dangerous situation.  China has threatened to withhold vital medical supplies and other items from the USA over the past few weeks as China attempts to blame the USA for initiating this virus event.  Simply put, America will not be held hostage by China under any circumstances.

Additionally, we believe other mature economies and nations are also starting to reconsider many policies and manufacturing processes related to this event.  Although we don’t have any real proof that this Covid-19 virus event originated in a Chinese lab in China, the very first instance of this virus was documented in China in November 2019 and didn’t really spread to any other country until well into 2020.  It makes perfect sense this Virus originated in China and spread throughout the Chinese New Year to other nations.

Debt and Banking capabilities become a real issue at times when consumers shift spending and economic habits.  Large sectors of the economy become “at-risk” very quickly.  The way our researchers put it is “isolated economic events may cause certain economic events to unfold, but extended economic events put greater pressure on even mostly healthy corporations and enterprises as lack of revenues and a shift in consumer activity can result in a broad market collapse”.

So, here we have the setup of the economic event and now we can speculate about the consequences.  Our researchers believe the immediate needs of all nations is to attempt to contain this virus event and to reconsider policies and manufacturing processes/locations to eliminate risks related to hostile countries.  Is it worth it to save a few pennies to manufacture something while putting your entire nation at risk when an event like this happens?

The funny thing about all major events, like this, is that usually cause people and nations to “shift gears”.  Remember after 9/11 how America shifted away from certain policies and came together to support our military against terrorists around the world?  Remember after the 2008-09 credit crisis how the US took immediate steps to attempt to prevent this type of financial event from happening again and how consumers were “shell-shocked” to re-enter the marketplace after the fallout?  This same type of social constriction happens all over the world as consumers/people act in a flock-mentality.


We took the past 73 years of quarterly US GDP data and attempted to run two rolling Standard Deviations on them.  The first, a 12 quarter (roughly three years) rolling Standard Deviation.  The second, a full 10-year rolling Standard Deviation.  The purpose of this was to determine how volatile past economic events have been related to these standard deviation ranges.

There have only been a few economic events that meet any of the criteria similar to the Covid-19 virus event.  The closest was the 2008-09 Credit Crisis.  All other events were isolated US types of events related to bubble events and Federal Reserve functions.

1957-1958: a collapse in GDP growth (below the 12 QTR StdDev) took place where GDP contracted by nearly 10 billion (-2%), then almost immediately rebounded back to 2x StdDev growth by 1959.

Mid 1960 to mid-1961: GDP growth collapsed to below 1x StdDev range, at one point almost stalling in Q1 1961, then immediately rebounded back to 2x StdDev growth by the end of 1961.

Q1 1982 to Q1 1983: GDP growth stalled to levels near 0.5 StdDev range for a period of 12 months before slowly rebounding back to 1x+ levels by late 1983 into 1984.

Q3 1990 to Q4 1991: GDP growth stalled to nearly 0.6 of the StdDev range, then rebounded back to 1.5x StdDev range by Q2 1992

Q4 2000 to Q3 2002: The Dot Com bubble and the 9/11 terrorist attacks resulted in an extended contraction in GDP expansion throughout this time.  By Q4 2001, GDP growth was only 0.53x the StdDev range.  Growth finally rebounded in late 2002.

Q1 2008 to Q1 2010: The Credit Crisis really took a toll on GDP.  Throughout most of 2008, GDP levels were still positive and above 0.5x the StdDev range.  Yet in Q3 2008, everything turned negative and GDP reached an extreme (-2.088x) StdDev range in Q3 2009.  Gdp rebounded back to 2x StdDev range in Q1 2010.

Q3 2015 to Q3 2016: This was an election year GDP contraction.  GDP continued to grow, but fell below the 1x StdDev range that seems to be very consistent.  Q4 2016 returned to levels above 1x StdDev.

What this shows us is that a -2x StdDev range is not uncommon and that a bigger move could take place with the right global economic setup.  A 3x or 4x GDP reversion (downside collapse) is also not out of the question if certain circumstances setup to present such an event.


This lengthy article and extensive research, our researchers do believe a 2x to 3x GDP reversion event is on the immediate horizon.  Given current data points and the fact that we’ve had little “transition” from previous growth phases to this potential new contraction phase, we believe the GDP contraction for Q1 2020 is likely going to be -10% or more from previous levels.  We believe Q2 GDP contraction may actually be higher (-12% or more).  This will be the result of China’s contracting and quarantining economy as well as the fallout from the continued spread of the Covid-19 virus throughout the rest of the world.

We believe Q4 2020 may result in a positive GDP quarter before further GDP contraction takes place in early 2021. We believe this will likely be the result of extended global economic malaise, global banking issues, global credit, and corporate earnings issues and the possibility that a global asset revaluation event may be taking place (similar to the 2008-09 Credit Crisis event).  This time, though, we believe it will be foreign markets engaging in a Credit Crisis and asset revaluation process that will drag the US economy into a 2021~2023 slump.

A 2x StdDev GDP event right now would be a collapse of $1.65T.  A 3x StdDev GDP event right now would be a collapse of $2.486T.  A 4x StdDev GDP event (God forbid), right now would be a collapse of $3.316T.  Remember, it is not really the size that matters – it is the length of time this contraction takes place.

Be prepared for some really ugly earnings data in Q1 an Q2 of this year, then we’ll figure out if our expectations were accurate or not and what we should be doing to plan going forward.

The type of market condition I think we have entered could be here for a long time, and it’s going to be a traders’ market, which means you must have a trading strategy, plan your trades, and trade your plan. It’s amazing how simple a few trading rules that are written down on paper can save you thousands of dollars a week or month from locking in gains or cutting losses.

I have this mini trading strategy mastery course if you want to take control of your trades and override your emotional issues. And also if you want to start making money from home which is the only option going forward the next 3-6 months from the looks of it my trading as a business program is something to think about doing.

– If you hold winners until they turn into losers

– Taking too large of a position and get stuck with a drawdown so large that if you close the position you will lose 10-50% of your trading account

– have mastered the art of buying high and selling low repeatedly?

All these things happen to most traders, and they can easily be overcome with a logical game plan I cover in the crash courses, pun intended 🙂

In short, if you have lost money with your trading account this year giving back years of gains, I think it’s worth joining my trading newsletter so you can stay on top of the markets and if you really want to excel take my mini-courses. I take the loud, emotional, and complex markets and deliver simple common sense commentary and a couple of winning trades each month for you to follow.

My trading is nothing extreme or crazy exciting because I’m not an adrenaline trading junky. I only want to grow my entire portfolio 2-4% a month with a couple of conservative ETF trades. Earning a 22%-48% return on my capital every year without the stress of being caught up in this type of market, and knowing I have a proven bear market trading strategy incase this market continues to fall is a comforting thought.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

Continuing our earlier multi-part research post related to our extensive number crunching and predictive modeling systems expectations going forward many years, (Part I) this second part will highlight some existing data points and start to discuss the concepts of what the Covid-19 virus event may do to the immediate global economy.  Remember, in the first part of this article, we shared research related to the US Fed Funds Rate (FFR) and how the Covid-19 virus event may create an environment of economic malaise over the next 12 to 24+ months as well as potentially disrupt the population and deficits over a 5+ year span.

This type of event is very similar to war (think WWII) in the sense that consumer spending changes, population growth, and levels change, GDP changes and deficits change for all involved.  Our researchers modeled the GDP levels from 2017 will now with the intent of attempting to identify probable outcomes of GDP output throughout the world over the next 5+ years.  Throughout these types of events, a massive capital shift takes place where consumers within areas impacted by war shift their spending and purchasing habits to address the immediate real needs of their attempted survival.  Speculation vanishes.  People only spend on things they are confident they can afford to risk their money on.  Anyone who is able to take advantage of the displaced or disparaged has a real opportunity to create some real gains if they don’t become the next displaced or disparaged individual.

Here is some data we used to model what we believe will happen over the next 2 to 5+ years as a result of the Covid-19 virus event.  We are using this global data as a basis for our modeling going forward and attempting to align 2018 and 2019 data with that reported by the St. Louis Federal Reserve data.  Our objective is to attempt to identify the scope and extend of any potential change in economic cycles going forward and to prepare our friends and followers of what to expect.

This data illustrates the scale and scope of the total global GDP output of all the nations on the planet for 2017.  It is important to understand that China and the United States are the two biggest GDP producers of all nations.  Between the US and China, both nations produce roughly 40% of the world’s total GDP annually.  When you consider all nations producing more than $1.5T in annual GDP on this graphic, these 12+ nations (including OTHERS) produce nearly 78% of the world’s total GDP annually.

The nations that make up this list of top GDP producing nations are:

These nations (and the group of nations listed as OTHERS) total almost 80% of total annual GDP across the entire planet.  Keeping in mind that we are attempting to model the Covid-19 virus event, which nations are likely to be the hardest hit on this list?  Obviously China, Japan, Germany, Italy, South Korea, and the United States are all prime targets of the Covid-19 virus event.  Brazil, Canada, France, India, and Others are secondary targets for GDP disruption.  Yet, their proximity to the price candidates makes them fairly easy targets for future GDP disruption related to the Covid-19 virus.

The point we are trying to make by illustrating this is that 80% of the world’s total GDP is at risk over the next 24+ months related to shifting consumer spending, central bank activities, asset valuation levels and much more.  We’re not talking about 4% or 5% of the world – we’re clearly showing you that 80% of the world’s total economic output is within the cross-hairs of this virus event.

Be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!

Our modeling suggests the 2017 GDP levels presented by the image (above) and the subsequent yearly REAL GDP levels presented by the St. Louis Federal Reserve deliver this data as a basis for our modeling system.

Our attempted modeling of the Covid-19 virus event across global economies is based, in part, on what happened in the 2008-09 Credit Crisis event.  Throughout that span of time (2008 to 2009), US GDP fell -3.36% over 12 to 16 months.  The difference between this Credit Crisis event and the Covid-19 event is that the Covid-19 event appears to be disrupting a broader segment of economic sectors across dozens of nations/cities all at once.  Whereas the Credit Crisis event resulted in somewhat isolated asset and economic contractions related to banking, insurance, credit, and assets – the Covid-19 virus event appears to be much broader in scope and consequences.  Our researchers believe the Covid-19 virus event will reach nearly every segment of the global economy in some way or form – causing some type of economic disruption either in supply, demand or overall consumer activity related to the sector/economic component.  Therefore, we believe the scope of the contagion event related to Covid-19 will be, at a minimum, 2x to 3x the scale and scope of the Credit Crisis.

We’ve come to the conclusion that the disruption to earnings, revenues, expenses and other economic factors across a broad spectrum of global economic outputs may look something like this.

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We believe Q1 and Q2 of this year will be a disaster for almost all nations.  We believe there is a chance Q3 and Q4 2020 may see a moderately strong recovery (or the start of a recovery).  We believe winter 2020 and into 2021 may bring further influenza type illness and may begin the process anew.  Or, we believe the recovery process may be somewhat stalled in 2021 as we believe the fallout from the previous year may still be taking place across multiple asset classes and corporate level and banking/insurance level industries.  We believe that by mid-2022 and early 2023, the global economy will begin to find a solid foundation for future economic growth and that global GDP may begin to move higher overall.

We are basing our modeling process on the information we have gained from our experience in the markets and from living through the 2008-09 Credit Crisis event.  Far too many people fail to understand the contagion event process that takes place when consumers abandon traditional spending patterns as income levels become more “at-risk”.  As we’ve suggested many times in previous articles, consumer spending and the “flock mentality” is not something to underestimate.  Current GDP levels are calculated mostly by consumer spending activity.  Think about what that means going forward.

Here are some St. Louis Federal Reserve data charts that we used in attempting to model these results.

A potential further decrease in M2 (velocity of money) throughout this Covid-19 virus event is very likely.  This is one of the primary reasons we believe this event may last more than 24 months in total span.  We believe the continued decline of the M2 velocity level is a very strong indication that historical levels of economic activity (1965 through 1995) simply are not present in today’s global economic world.  This complicates how money is used within the global market – it is being engaged as active money transactions by a -30% ration than 1995 levels. If M2 continues to decline, we believe the consequence of this move will relate to an even slower recovery from the Covid-19 virus event.

In the next part of this article, we’ll explore the real data points and outlier expectations of the 2020 Covid-19 virus event.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen

This is one of those articles that are packed with resources showing your what to expect for various assets both long-term and short-term and will guide you through these volatile times and this year.

Our friends and followers continue to contact us asking what to expect and what should they be doing with their assets and trades?  Our research and analysis have been very clear up to this point; we warned of a Zombie Rally in early November and early December 2019, we warned that Oil would fall below $40 on November 15, 2019, and we warned of a global Black Swan event on January 26, 2020.





All of this research, in addition to our other research, was very clear that we believed the upside price rally that began in September/October 2019 was a “Zombie-like” price advance that didn’t have a supporting fundamental or technical foundation.  We were warning clients and followers to use this advance as a means to move away from risk and into more of a cash position – in preparation for a future event that we believed was setting up.  One of the clearest examples of our research team attempting to prepare our followers for what we expected in early 2020 was this post.



On Friday I was on TV “live from NASDAQ with TD Ameritrade” talking about the technical breakdown on the charts and what to expect here


This article highlighted our belief that a major topping pattern was set up and that this same price pattern happened just before other major peaks in the US stock market.  The Stealth, Awareness, and Mania Phases seemed to be in place – the only thing left was the Blow Off Phase.

This article, today, is going to attempt to share some additional research data developed by our team to help you better understand the potential future outcome of this unfolding event.  As with anything we share related to making future price predictions or analysis, this is all based on our research team’s understanding of various global economic fundamentals and expectations related to capital functions throughout the global economic environment.

Be sure to opt-in to our free market trend signals before closing this page, so you don’t miss our next special report!

Let’s get started…


First, we want to share with you our modeling of the US economy and the Fed Funds Rate Optimal Levels which will assist all of us in understanding the future expectations and actions by the US Fed related to future economic modeling.  This chart, created by our research team in early 2018, attempts to model the optimal US Fed Funds Rate (FFR) levels based on a decline in population and GDP while US Deficits also decline moderately after 2020 – in other words, more of the same type of global economic functions.

If the Covid-19 virus pushes the GDP lower while government expenses increase and consumer spending/activity decreases, we believe this model is most likely a proper representation of what to expect by the US Fed going forward.  As you can see, this modeling system draws an expected FFR level in BLUE, a high variance level in PINK and a low variance level in GREY/TURQUOISE.  After the near-zero rates after the 2008-09 credit crisis, our model expected the Fed to begin raising rates in 2013 and for rates to peak near 2017.  We believe the US Fed was behind the curve in their actions to adjust the FFR levels throughout most of the past 8+ years.  Although, The US Fed has positioned current rates very near to where our predictive modeling system expects for 2020; between 1.25~1.50%.

The future of this model suggests the US Fed will normalize rates near 1.0% as early as 2022 or 2023 and keep rates near 1.0% until sometime near 2027 or so.  This model suggests a substantial advance in the US stock market may take place sometime between 2022 and 2028 – before it appears the US Fed will have to address another type of crisis event in near late 2028, or 2029, or early 2030.

How this chart plays into the current Covid-19 expectations is simple, the US Fed will have to attempt to lower rates while stimulating the US and global economies in conjunction with other Central Banks.  This modeling system does not take into consideration a pandemic event or other type of Black Swan event.  It does take into consideration modeled optimal levels based on a decrease in population, a decrease in GDP and an increase in US Deficits.


The point of this article is to share some of our data and our future expectations with you, our friends and followers.  As we continue to post additional sections/parts of this article, we’ll dig deeper into our research and forward expectations.  Remember, we’ve just highlighted two charts that show potential global economic expectations well into and past 2030.  We’ve also shared some predictive modeling that suggests a period between 2021~22 and 2027 should be relatively calm and trendy (likely Bullish) for the US markets.  Keep this in mind as we continue our future article posts.

The type of market condition I think we have entered could be here for a while, a year or three, and it’s going to be a traders market, which means you must have a trading strategy, plan your trades, and trade your plan. It’s amazing how simple a few trading rules are written down on paper can save you thousands of dollars a year from locking in gains, or cutting losses. I have this mini trading strategy mastery course if you want to take control of your trades and override your emotional issues. It’s easy to hold winners until they turn into losers, taking to large of a position, or maybe you have masted the art of buying high and selling low repeatedly? Yikes! It happens to most traders, and it can easily be overcome with a logical game plan I cover in the crash course, pun intended 🙂

In short, if you have lost money with your trading account this year, holding some big losing trades that were big winners just a couple of weeks ago, I think it’s worth joining my trading newsletter so you can stay on top of the markets. I take the loud, emotional, and complex market and deliver simple common sense commentary and a couple of winning trades each month.

My trading is nothing extreme or crazy exciting because I’m not an adrenaline trading junky. I only want to grow my entire portfolio 2-4% a month with a couple of conservative ETF trades. Making 22%-48% return on my capital every year without the stress of being caught up in this type of market, feeling like I always need to be in a trad, and knowing I have a proven bear market trading strategy incase this market continues to fall is crucial for capital preservation, and my health.

As a technical analysis and trader since 1997, I have been through a few bull/bear market cycles. I believe I have a good pulse on the market and timing key turning points for short-term swing traders.

Visit my ETF Wealth Building Newsletter and if you like what I offer, and ride my coattails as I navigate these financial markets and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

Chris Vermeulen