This Is Just Like Buckley’s Cough Medicine Slogan…

“Tastes Terrible,
But You Don’t Need It For Long!”

Last week I mentioned what I did years ago to get my trading and emotions in control so that I could trade for both weekly income and long-term account growth.

I will be honest with you, it was not exciting or fun by any means, and I did come to the realization of my trading weaknesses and core issues with my personality/emotions that held me back from being able to avoid losing big money, and from missing all the what would have been huge winners that I identified yet missed.

I have no doubt that you have pulled your hair out and screamed at the market for stopping you out just before a huge move in your favor. Well, we have all been there, done that, and have not told our wives or husbands about some of the big losses we took 😉

These things scar us financial and emotionally. They damage our ability to trade profitably going forward, which brings me to the point of this email.

I’m going to be blunt because it’s the only way to breakthrough barriers and get you do to what sucks, yet is critical for your success as a trader and long term investor.

In short, if you want to be truly successful as a trader and investor financially then you must take this super dull “Trading As Your Business Trading Program” just like I did – years ago.

If you want to fix your trading then you must swallow the pill and face your fears and weaknesses head-on and get through them instead of dancing around them afraid to face the reality that you are likely a loser when it comes to trading.

Let face it, you have likely not done a course like this yet because it hits the nerve that you know sucks, which are:
– Trading is business and requires planning, It’s not a get rich quick solution
– And, that you can’t separate emotional trades from the real trade setups
This mini-course will get you over these issues and you will feel like a million bucks once completed.

Remember, I took this course years ago, become a successful trader and investor, and now, years larter Brian McAboy the man who created this course, him and I have been great friends ever since.

He has put up this short intro video for you to watch at your leisure talking about what his program covers and will do for you. Again, its nothing super exciting, but its one of those things you just have to take the time to do once and your trading and mental state will be improved for the rest of your life.

Watch Boring Into To Course Now:

BETTER YET! – Save your time and just buy the course, book off a morning and do it!
Click Here To Take Action:

Talk with you soon,

Chris Vermeulen

On Friday, July 15th our exclusive filtered SpikeAlerts service nailed another winning trade to lock in a quick and easy $399+ profit in less than 10 trading hours for subscribers.

This signal was sent out at 5:02pm ET which members were advised to buy UPRO, SSO, or ES futures contract in post-market trading hours. I should mention that if your broker does not allow post-market trading of ETF’s then you really do need to get with a full service, direct access broker that allows you to trade pre and post hours stocks and ETF’s. These are my preferred brokers.

Spike Alert Email/Chart Sent at 5:02pm:


Alert Results 10 Trading Hours Later…




‘Bitcoin’ is on a tear away rally. Its’ performance, over the last year, has been outstanding and it has outperformed most ‘asset classes’, by a wide margin. It is probably the only asset class which beats out both gold and silver, in 2016. Why is it shooting into outer space?


People look at alternate asset classes when their confidence in traditional assets fades. Since the beginning of the year, both the stock and the commodity markets have been on a roller coaster ride while catching both the bulls and the bears, on the wrong side.

The macroeconomic situation of the world does not give confidence to the astute investors which is evident by the return of the legendary George Soros, who has come out of retirement to short the overblown markets. Similarly, other hedge fund managers are stocking up on gold, which supports our view that a ‘financial crisis’ is right around the corner.

The “Brexit” results have also opened up a possibility of another round of easing by the central banks, around the world. The Bank of England will most likely resort to an easing schedule during the next meeting which will be followed by the European Central Bank and the FED. Post victory in the elections, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is likely to push the Bank of Japan to announce another round of ‘easing’.

Since the last ‘financial crisis’, the combined central banks have pumped massive amounts of money into the system and they continue to do so, at a rapid pace, nonetheless, the world is closer to a ‘financial crisis’ than ever before.


The FED’s money printing policy had led the commodity Guru Jim Rogers to remark: “The FED will continue to print money until there are no trees left in America.”


‘Bitcoin’ is doing the opposite of central banks:

Compare this with the cryptocurrency ‘bitcoin’.  Unlike the traditional currencies, the ‘Bitcoin’ has an upper limit of 21 million coins, post which no more Bitcoins can be mined.

Every subsequent mining will become difficult and will reduce the reward associated with mining each block. Satoshi Nakamoto programmed that post-mining of 210,000 blocks, the rewards will be halved.

Initially, the reward was 50 ‘Bitcoins’ for every block, which was halved by the end of 2012, at which time the reward was reduced to 25 ‘Bitcoins’ per block.

The next round of halving took place, last week, when the rewards were reduced to 12.5 ‘Bitcoins’ per block.

While the central banks have been on a printing spree, the ‘Bitcoin’ is on a tightening route which boosts its’ price, as is visible in its’ sharp rise, this year.

A few miners will find it difficult to continue mining at the halved rewards which is likely to slow down new mining as halving will continue, in the future.

“The block halving will dramatically decrease the bitcoin being added as we approach 75 percent of all bitcoin issued. People understand that in this world of ever expanding assets and printing of money, we have something that’s fixed and limited in issuance. It gives a decent alternative for people who want to hold assets that can have sustained purchasing power,” stated Bobby Lee, Chief Executive of BTCC which is one of the largest’ bitcoin’ exchanges, in the world, based in China reports CNBC.

I recently watch a fantastic TEDX talk on Bitcoin and digital currencies and how they are changing the world, financial systems, and lives in huge way, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. This TEDX Talk makes so much logical sense why bitcoin and other currencies are so important for us as individual’s – Watch Video

However, the ‘Bitcoins’ volatility has dropped dramatically over the past few years with the lowest linear level of volatility seen since is this asset class started. It has become easier to use for trading, purchasing and using for purchases. I am presently only highlighting that readers will do well to keep an eye on ‘Bitcoins’ and other crypto/digital currencies, along with gold and silver.

In fact, I have been researching the digital wallet solution where I can purchase many up and coming digital currencies within one location as a NEW ASSET class for my portfolio. Why? Because I firmly believe the masses will slowly migrate their money into various digital currencies a safe haven store of wealth and for ease of use. Payments can be made with your mobile phone to anyone, anywhere in the world and for any amount with ZERO fees/costs, and in many cases it cannot be traced. I buy and hold my currencies in this crypto wallet CoinBase

Sir John Templeton, the legendary mutual fund manager and founder of Templeton Group, said:

“Invest in many different places – there is safety in numbers.”

So in short, I will share with you in future articles and as a subscriber to my trading and investing newsletter exactly which digital wallet, and digital currencies I will be buying and interested in learning more about as the world and financial systems evolve. When the time is right to invest my followers will know.

Chris Vermeulen –


I wrote and exclusive article for CNA Finance today which I want to share with you. It talks about the Kondratiev Wave.

Just like all major long-term/big picture trends and cycle changes, nothing happens quickly. Its very much a process and the market will continue to move in a direction that makes no sense longer than most traders and investors think. Just like those who warned about the 2001 market crash, 2008 financial crisis, real estate crash, and now the 2016 stock market crash… most of these big picture analysts like myself see these things coming well in advance sometimes 6 months – 1 year before they happen.

We warn about these events happening and slowly position ourselves to not only avoid the crashes but to profit from them. But these take time to unfold as these are multiyear cycles and they do not turn on a dime.

Read Article:

Chris Vermeulen

Since the Brexit vote, we have seen some interesting price action unfold with various assets. With global/Euroland uncertainty, investors have been flocking to what they feel are the safe havens until things get sorted out overseas.

Typically, precious metals and the Dollar Index move in opposite directions. This means that if the dollar rises, metals fall in value. But since the Brexit vote, investors are piling their money into what they feel is the safe place for them to store capital. These are: US Dollars, Silver, Gold, Mining Stocks, Bonds and even US equities.

The good news for silver and the price of gold is that no matter what happens to the US Dollar (up or down), investors will continue to invest in these metals. Eventually, the US Dollar will have some pullback — but this will only help lift precious metals higher.

US dollar index analysis

Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index – Many Miners With Bullish Chart Patterns

After many years precious metals miners are finally breaking out and making their first bull market leg.

The following chart shows the multi-year downtrend, the recent breakout, and subsequent rally. Indeed, an awesome and exciting time!

Silver Weekly Trend Chart

Silver has recently broken a previous significant high, which is the first sign of strength for the white metal. I have high hopes where silver will be trading by 2020, which is between the $74 and $99 per ounce.

silver bear market over

Silver Analysis Conclusion

The bull market in silver, gold, and miners has really JUST begun. Sure, many stocks have exploded in value already up 200% to 600%. However, in the grand scheme of things, prices will continue to rise – even though many gold miners have not yet left the station. This means that if you buy a basket of stocks, you stand to do very well in the coming year or three.

Get My Precious Metals Daily Video Forecasts and ETF Trades at:

Chris Vermeulen


It was a relatively dull session yesterday (Monday July 11th) with stocks gapping higher only to trade sideways up till now. As I talked about in the morning’s video I expected stocks to grind higher, and for vix ETF to keep moving lower for another day or three.

Coffee continues to be on caffeine-high today testing near today’s high, which looks as though it will continue to run higher in the coming days.


Precious metals continue to hold up but I don’t expect them to go much higher until equities reverse down in the next week or so.

A couple leading sectors have been underperforming (transports, and financials). The stock market needs the financials to take part in this rally to new highs for the SP500 if the market is to have any real power behind it. The fact that both these key sectors are underperforming tell me there is not a ton of power behind this move to new highs for large cap stocks.




Also, a few months back I shared some bonus spike trade alerts with everyone.  Many of you loved these momentum trades every week as I do also. If you are interested in these spike alerts, see yesterday’s blog post for details – Exciting Stuff!

Talk soon,

Chris Vermeulen

Its been a while coming, but you can now get my Spike Alerts via email, and in the members area, plus mini crash course on how to trade price spikes for GLD, GDX, SPY, DIA, QQQ and IWM.

Take a look at the last two spike alerts from Friday posted below:


I should also mention that the other day I talked about how the 2008 stock market top formed and how the stock market looks to be setting up for the same thing… in fact, it will be the same reason the market crashes this time around. The only different is that this time, it will be man times worse for these reasons… READ ARTICLE


Today I like to share my thoughts about the S&P 500 index, the volatility index, and what I believe will be the trigger/event which sends stock markets around the world to new multi-year lows.

While the charts shown here are very simple there is a lot of information behind the scenes that backup the analysis/predictions on the charts below.

For example, the sentiment of the average market participant remains extremely bullish on the market. The majority of investors think and feel stocks will continue to rise in the coming year. Typically, when the majority of investors think the same thing it tends to be a contrarian signal that the opposite will soon take place.

Cycle analysis is telling us that the seven-year cycle, which is one of the most powerful cycles that reoccurs in the stock market is now topping. What does this mean? It means we should expect a 1 to 3-year stock market correction.

The market breadth has been slowly deteriorating over the past year. Fewer stocks are making new highs, and many leading sectors are already in bear markets.

So it is just a matter of time before the US large-cap stocks roll over, breakdown, and start a new bear market.

As of Friday, July 9 we’ve seen the stock market momentum show signs of a short squeeze, and also that the majority of market participants are in a panic running to buy stocks. In fact, the NYSE volume ratio shows that there are 18 shares being purchased to every 1 being sold on Friday. I consider a ratio over three to be an extreme level, meaning 18 is signaling a potential significant turning point in stocks in the coming week.


SP500 & VIX Weekly Comparison Chart

If you take a look at the chart below you can see where I feel the stock market is currently trading in terms of its 2007 to 2008 market top. The volatility index is also showing similar patterns to what we saw before the 2008 bear market.

Based on the current price action of the S&P 500 index and the volatility index it appears that a sharp decline in shares is likely to unfold in the coming weeks.



SP500 & Bond Price Comparison – Bonds rally before/lead Bear Markets

Take a look at the chart below. The red line is the price of US bonds. The black candlestick chart is the S&P 500 index which is the US large-cap stocks. As you can see the price of bonds start to rally way before the US stock market rolls over and sells off.

Why does this happen? I believe that the smart money is rotating their money slowly out of equities and into bonds in anticipation of the bear market collapse. Bonds act as a safe haven during times of weakness in both the economy and stock market.

US equities still have a long way to fall before they are technically in a confirmed bear market. The recent rally in bonds is just the beginning for what is to happen.



The Trigger/Event/Tipping Point for A Global Equities Crash

In a recent article called “Deutsche Bank to initiate the next financial crisis”, I wrote about how Deutsche Bank is going down the exact same road as Lehman Brothers. In short, both stocks are declining in a similar fashion in terms of share price.

But here is the kicker… If you thought Lehman Brothers was bad you haven’t seen anything yet. The big differences this time around with the banking crisis is that this is 40 times larger than Lehman Brothers and will directly affect almost all key countries and banks around the world. And this time, countries are in far worse shape financially than they were in 2008 during the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.



My Concluding Thoughts:

In short, the US stock market is trying to hold up and convince investors everything is fine. While stocks are testing all-time highs I know as a technical analyst that the market is much weaker than it appears.

A lot of things are coming together to form a major market top but like all previous stock market tops, they require a lot of time to mature before they breakdown and new nominal highs are normal to see. Until these new major trends start, you can use a Price Spike Trading Strategy which has 1-5 trades a week which last no longer then 4-48 hours.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and avoid the next stock market crash and profit from it follow me at to receive my daily analysis, swing trades and long term ETF investing signals.

Chris Vermeulen