Quick $900 Profit End Of Week Trade – Spike Setup
Last night Thursday Night I sent follower an email with the Spike Trade Setup and Profit Potential Table you see below. Today (Friday) the market moves sharply in our favor yet again for a quick $900 profit by 10am this morning.
How? you could have bought one ES mini futures contract, minimum required trading account size $5000, Bam… $900 morning or 18% ROI.
You could have traded with the ETF’s listed in the table also, but in order to do that, you will need a brokerage account that allows you to buy and sell ETFs during pre and post market hours like I do. If you cannot do this, then I highly recommend you use the broker I use because they ROCK!
Best execution fills, trade anything from one account (stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Forex) and super low commissions.
Friday’s Morning Trade Setup & Profit Taking!

APRIL 11th – Quick $400 Profit From Todays Spike Trade:
Start Trading With Me Today – Learn, Profit, and Prosper!
Chris Vermeulen