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Mid-August Is A Critical Turning Point For US Stocks
Our cycle and predictive modeling solutions have been suggesting that Mid-August 2019 will likely prompt a major inflection point in the US stock markets and we have been attempting to warn our followers about this for months. Our continued…
Right on the Gold Bull Market
Chris Vermeulen had been calling for a gold breakout for a number of months. Some FSN Members snarkily doubted his call. However, they’re not doubting him any longer, what with gold breaking resistance and now hovering near…
Major Index Top In 3 to 5 Weeks?
Our researchers rely on a number of proprietary tools and cycle forecasting technology. Additionally, we use custom index charts to help measure price cycles, trends, support & resistance and many other aspects of the markets. Recently,…
Gold, Platinum, Palladium – HoweStreet Radio Show
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Predictive Modeling Suggest Oil Headed Much Lower
Our Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) predictive price modeling system is suggesting Crude Oil will likely continue to find resistance near $64 as a price ceiling and trend lower over the next 3 to 5 months – eventually breaking below the…
US Dollar Strength Will Drive Markets Higher
Almost counter to current institutional thinking, the strength in the US Dollar will likely continue to push the US stock market higher over the next few weeks/months and act as a supporting price bias in any event of a short term global/us…
Stock Market Cycle Top and Fearless Vix Signal Turning Point
Everything in the world goes through cycles including investors level of fear, and stock prices. In this report, I want to show you how you can identify short-term and longer-term market tops and bottoms using technical analysis that focuses…
PART III – Debt Crisis To Be Reborn In 2020
This final portion of our multiple part research post regarding the future of a crisis-like price revaluation event will focus on two components that we want to highlight for every trader, investor, and reader. It does not matter if you…