Part V – China/Asia Economic Implosion on the Horizon?

As we, the research team at, continue to deliver sections of this multiple part global market research report centered around China and Asia as a catalyst for an impending global market/debt collapse, we want to make…

Part IV – Economic Implosion on the Horizon

Our previous three segments of this research report detailed not only the history of the Chinese economic activity but also detailed some of the capital flow issues that have been active in presenting this unique instance in time as it relates…

PART III – China/Asia Economic Implosion on the Horizon?

Thank you for following our multi-part research (Part I, Part II) into the possibility of a China/Asia market collapse and our hypothetical analysis of what that event might consist of and how it may play out.  So far, we have discussed the…
ETF Trading Newsletter Video

Tomorrows Double Dip (stock market crash) and Rally

53 years experience in researching and trading makes analyzing the complex and ever-changing financial markets a natural process. We have a simple and highly effective way to provide our customers with the most convenient, accurate, and timely…

A Technical Traders Gold Outlook

Our articles, Technical Trading Mastery book, and 3 Hour Trading Video Course are designed for both traders and investors to explore the tools and techniques that discretionary and algorithmic traders need to profit in today’s competitive…

PART II – China/Asia Economic Crash Is Starting

In our previous article regarding the potential China/Asia Economic Implosion, we illustrated how the property market cycles in China (Beijing) are in the early stages of a potentially topping and a massive drop in value. Today, we are…

China/Asia Economic Implosion on the Horizon?

PART I Recent news of the US enacting $60 billion in economic tariffs on China as well as reactionary tactics from China have everyone spooked.  The US stock markets and global markets tanked last week as this news hit the wires.  At,…

Stock Market Analysis & Warning In Layman’s Terms

As you likely know, the stock market, trading, and even long-term investing are not easy. That’s why in this post we want to make the complex simple for you. We will do this in a way that will give you that “Eureka!” moment regarding knowing…

Friday’s Stock Market Crash, What Is To Happen Monday


Similarities For the Recent Drop In Stocks

Cory Fleck, from The Korelin Economics Report joins me for his insights into the US markets and the oil market. Click the download link to listen on this device: Download and Listen to Show Here 53 years experience in researching and…