Our August 19 breakdown prediction from months ago has really taken root with many of our followers and readers. We’ve been getting emails and messages from hundreds of our followers asking for updates regarding this prediction. Well, here is the last update before the August 19th date (tomorrow) and we hope you have been taking our research to heart.
First, we believe the August 19 breakdown date will be the start of something that could last for more than 5 to 12+ months. So, please understand that our predicted date is not a make-or-break type of scenario for traders. It means that we believe this date, based on our cycle research, will become a critical inflection point in price that may lead to bigger price swings, more volatility and some type of market breakdown event. Thus, if you have already prepared for this event – perfect. If this is the first time you are reading about our August 19 breakdown prediction, then we suggest you take a bit of time to review the following research posts.
Originally, our research team identified July 2019 as a market top potential back in April/May 2019. Later, our research team updated our analysis to include the August 19 breakdown date prediction based on our advanced predictive modeling tools and cycle analysis tools. This became a critical event in the minds of our research team because it aligned with much of our other predictive research and aligned perfectly with what we were seeing in the charts as we neared the Summer.
The top prediction for July 2019 by our research team became true as we entered early August. This confirmation of our research and prediction back in April/May helped to solidify our belief that our August 19th breakdown prediction would likely become valid as well. Whenever we make a prediction many months in advance, one has to understand that we are using our predictive analysis tools to suggest what price “wants” to try to do in the future. External events can alter the price level by many factors to create what we call a “price anomaly”. When the external events and price predictive outcomes align as they have been doing over the past 4+ months, it lends quite a bit of credibility to our earlier predictive research.
In other words, we couldn’t be happier that our research team has been able to deliver incredible insight and analysis regarding the global markets and how the price will react over the past 4+ months. This is something no other investment research firm on the planet is capable of doing with any degree of accuracy right now. In fact, it is amazing to us that we’ll read some research post by a multi-national investment firm that may suggest something now that we’ve alerted our followers to 90 days earlier.
Now, onto some new details about the August 19th breakdown event…
First, be very cautious about investing in Cryptos throughout this event. The initial move, if our research continues to play out, maybe an upside rally in BitCoin based on fear as the global markets start a breakdown process. But we believe this move in Cryptos will be very short-lived as our current research suggests central banks, governments, and other institutions are getting ready to pounce on unregulated Crypto Currencies. It is our belief that the breakdown event will possibly push Bitcoin higher on a “move to safety” rotation. But once Bitcoin investors understand that governments and institutions are targeting these digital currency exchanges as criminal enterprises that threaten central banks and that there is no real safety in putting capital into a digital enterprise that can be shut down in minutes, we believe a rush to the exits will begin to take place.
We believe the shift to real physical assets will take place as a shift in asset valuations continues to take place. We believe the downside risk in Bitcoin is currently at least 30 to 40% from current values. Our initial downside target is a level near $5570 for Bitcoin with potential for price support near $7900.
Daily Bitcoin Chart
This Daily Bitcoin chart highlights arrows that we drew in mid-July based on our expectations for future price rotation. You can see that price, for the most part, followed our expectations and stayed within the Fibonacci price channel, near the lower price levels, while navigating the MAGENTA Fibonacci price amplitude arc (across the tops in price) as it moved towards our August 19th breakdown date. It is critical to understand that price will attempt to either establish new price highs or new price lows based on Fibonacci price theory. It is our belief that an upside rally towards the $11,300 level will be the “last rally” before a breakdown price trend pushes Bitcoin much lower. This is likely the reaction of the “flight to safety” that we suggested earlier.
Weekly Bitcoin Chart
This Weekly Bitcoin chart provides a broader picture of the same event and how it will likely play out in the near future. Remember, initially, global investors will attempt to pike into anything that is quick, easy and efficient to protect against perceived capital risks. We are certain that some investors will attempt to pile into Cryptos as the breakdown event starts. The question is, will this transition of capital stay safe long enough for investors to capitalize on the move? We don’t believe so based on our research.
If the price of Cryptos breaks through that Magenta Fibonacci price amplitude arc and initiates a move to new higher highs, then we’ll have to rethink our analysis. But for right now, we are sticking to our belief that Cryptos will see an impulse rally that will quickly be followed by a breakdown event (likely the result of some government intervention or broader risk event).
Weekly S&P 500 Chart
This Weekly S&P 500 chart highlights what we believe is the most likely immediate price trend related to the October 2018 price decline. If a downside price move does initiate as we expect because of the August 19 breakdown inflection point, we believe the S&P will target immediate support above $2400. If you’ve followed any of our research, you already understand we believe the move dynamic economies on the planet are uniquely situated to actually benefit from this downside price event. Therefore, we must understand that a “price exploration event”, like this, is a mechanism for investors to seek out true value levels for global assets. All major price corrections are, in essence, a process of seeking out price levels where investors believe “true value” exists.
NASDAQ Weekly Transportation Index
The NASDAQ Transportation Index paints a very clear picture for our research team. In fact, we find the TRAN particularly useful in our research of the global and US markets. Even though we follow dozens of symbols and instruments, one of our key objectives is to attempt to validate our analysis across multiple instruments/charts and to attempt to identify faults in our expected outcomes.
The recent downside price move in the TRAN aligns perfectly with our August 19 breakdown expectation. It is very likely that some news or pricing event over the next 7+ days pushes the TRAN below the RED price channel and downward towards the middle Standard Deviation level near $3900. Once the TRAN breaks the RED support level, you should expect the US and global markets to also begin a broader move lower.
Ideally, the $3500 level should operate as a moderately hard price floor for this downside move. $3900 would be considered the initial target of the downside price move whereas $3500 would be considered the initial “hard floor” support level. Given these expectations, we have to consider the potential for a -15% to -25% initial downside price move in TRAN which would translate into a -18% to -35% downside price move in the S&P or NASDAQ.
In closing, August 19th is tomorrow (Monday). This is where we’ll find out if our prediction will be viewed in the future as accurate or not. The one thing about making public predictions for many months in advance is that you can’t go back and try to lie to your followers/readers. Either it works out as we suggested or it does not. We believe in the skills of our research team and predictive modeling systems. We’ve seen how accurate they have been in the past and we believe we’ve delivered top-tier analysis to all of our followers and readers. In fact, we know you can’t find anything like this type of research from other investment or research firms.
Over the next 10 to 30+ days, we’ll be able to look back at our August 19th prediction and say “we were right” or “we were wrong” – that is part of trading, folks. You use your best tools to make an educated assessment of current and future expectations, then act on it (if you want). We’ll follow up on the other side of August 19th with all of you.
Stay fluid as this event plays out, and most importantly, know that we don’t blindly trade on predictions, we use our short-term technical analysis and current market trends to enter and exit trades. The reality is, no matter if the markets roll over and crash or rocket higher, we will follow and trade with the market. The best thing about being technical traders is we don’t care which way the markets go. We just analyze and trade with the current market trend and make money in both directions and at the drop of a hat!
If you want to trade and invest without the stress of a pending market collapse or missing out on another extended rally to new highs then join my Wealth Building Newsletter today and copy my proven technical trading setups and trade with me!
Chris Vermeulen
https://thegoldandoilguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/82.png548850adminhttp://www.thegoldandoilguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tgaoglogo.pngadmin2019-08-19 11:08:092019-08-19 11:08:09August 19 Turn Date is Tomorrow – Are You Ready?