I have been pouring over the longer term charts as we’ve started to see Oil and Gold move in directions that would indicate increased fear throughout the global markets while a contraction in economic activity/oil prices appears to be setting up for another big move.  The objective is to attempt to identify longer-term volatility expectations and price targets.  To accomplish this task, we use our Adaptive Fibonacci predictive modeling utility on 3 Week charts because they provide a unique look at price activity and are a bit more reactive to shorter-term price activity than Monthly price bars.

We found some very interesting components by reviewing these charts of the ES, NQ, YM, and CL.  We believe we are setting up a 2~4+ week sideways price rotation in the US stock market as price attempts to consolidate within this range before a broader breakout/breakdown move could happen.  Just as we predicted many months ago, the July 2019 price peak we suggested could form appears to be setting up with a sideways pennant/flag formation as investors digest the economic and global trade war news data.

Eventually, the price will make a move in an attempt to break this sideways price channel and our predictive modeling solutions can help us to understand how these price setups will playing out.  Let’s get into the charts and research.

As we start to pull apart the data from these charts, we urge you to pay attention to two things – the range of the current Bullish & Bearish Fibonacci Price Trigger levels and current price rotations of price peaks and troughs over the past 40 to 60 bars.  It is very important to understand and attempt to use the “new price high” and “new price low” Fibonacci price theory that we keep talking about in our articles.

This first chart is the ES 3-Week chart highlighting the range between the Fibonacci Bullish and Bearish Price Trigger Levels (highlighted in light-CYAN).  It is important to understand why the current bearish price trigger level is so far below current price levels.  The Adaptive Fibonacci modeling system adjusts trigger levels based on recent price activity and price volatility to attempt to identify when the price is congesting in a sideways price trend or trending upward or downward.  When price congests in a sideways form, the Adaptive Fibonacci modeling tool identifies this and determines that price would need to move to new levels in order to qualify for a new bullish or bearish price trigger.  In this case, it is suggesting that price would need to fall below $2014 before this 3-Week chart would qualify the move as a “new bearish trend”.

That is a big move from current levels.  It totals more than -750 points – a -27.5% price decline.

Currently, as long as the ES price stays above the $2633 level, the Fibonacci predictive modeling system is still suggesting the Bullish trend is intact and should continue.


This NQ 3-Week chart is setup in a similar manner to the ES chart. Although the Fibonacci volatility range on the NQ chart is much more narrow than the ES chart, the Fibonacci modeling system is still suggesting that the current trend is still Bullish and the key levels for the triggers are $6792 for the Bearish Trigger level and $6556 for the Bullish Trigger level.

Because of the narrow volatility range and because the Bearish trigger level is above the Bullish trigger level, we believe a price rotation where the price stays above $6800 is very likely over the next few weeks.  Obviously, should price break below the Bearish Trigger level, then we would begin to become concerned that a broader downside trend is being established and start to look at the Fibonacci downside price targets (near $5815 & $3900).  Until that happens, expect sideways price rotation with a 250 to 500 point range on average (about 2x the Fibonacci volatility range).


The YM is really the key to understanding just how the markets are going to play out over the next few weeks and months.  The extremely large Fibonacci volatility range on the YM chart highlights the potential for the wild sideways price rotation that we are expecting over the next few weeks and months.  Remember, our analysis from many months ago suggests a price peak will likely form in July/August 2019 and prompt a broader downside price move after this peak completes.  Our expectation that a current sideways price channel is setting up leads us to believe the apex of this sideways price channel may result in a very brief price rally (pushing prices back towards recent highs) before rolling over and starting a new downside price move to coincide with our July/Aug 2019 predictions.

One way or another, it appears the DOW/YM will be leading the way in terms of price volatility and rotation.  The wide range between the Bullish and Bearish Fibonacci Price Trigger Levels is suggesting that price volatility is increasing and that the YM would have to move to levels above $29,750 or to levels below $18,875 before establishing any new price trends.  The past Fibonacci trigger levels help us to understand key price levels as this future move takes place.

Past Fibonacci Trigger Price levels are $26,025 for a Bearish Price Trigger level and $24,770 for a Bullish Price Trigger Level.  This means if the price is below $26,025 – we should expect a bearish price trend to continue and if the price is above $24,770 – we should expect a bullish price trend to continue.  Yet, price is current BETWEEN both of these levels, so what should we expect right now?  When the price is in between these levels, like now, we typically look for the last price rotation (peak or valley) and for the last level that was crossed (in this case the $26,025 Bearish level) and would conclude:

The trend is currently Bearish and the $26,025 level is key to maintaining this bearish price direction.  Should price move back above this level and close above this Bearish Price Trigger Level, then we would consider the trend “moderately bullish” while we wait for a new Price Trigger Level Breach to setup.


Lastly, Crude Oil.  We’ve been writing to all of our followers that we felt Oil was setting up for a price rotation many weeks ago.  We warned that the $65 price level may be the end of the move and that the $55 to $50 levels are the likely downside targets.  The volatility range is somewhat narrow and the last Trigger Level that was breached was the Bearish Trigger Level near $68.75. Therefore, we believe the recent downside price move, below the $60 Bullish Trigger level, results in a new Bearish price trend with immediate targets near or below $50.  Ultimately, the $42.40 level may be the longer term downside price target – which would coincide with a broader commodities slowdown and global economic activity contraction.


So here is what you need to know to go into this weekend and for the next 4+ weeks.

Expect the US stock market to trade in a moderately volatile sideways price channel for the next 4+ weeks.

Expect the end of this price channel to result in a “false rally” move that may push prices towards recent highs before faltering and rotating back to the downside.

Expect this END of the sideways price channel to happen sometime near mid-July or early August 2019.

Expect Gold and Oil to continue to react as “fear measures” over the next few weeks/months as global traders reposition their assets throughout this rotation.

Expect a bigger price move near late July through September~October 2019 as this volatility move really begins to take root with equities.

Follow our research and learn how we can help you stay well ahead of these price moves.  We’ve just highlighted what is likely to happen over the next 30 to 60 days in this research post.  Want to know how we are going to trade these moves?  Join our other members to see how we create success and keep our members ahead of these big moves. Also, if you wanted me to ship you free silver rounds with a subscription to this Wealth Trading Newsletter you better join today as this offer expires June 1st.

Chris Vermeulen

UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: First, we typically see stocks sell-off and as the old saying goes, “Sell in May and Go Away!” which is what has been happening.

So what does this mean? It means we should start to see money flow into the safe-haven assets like the Utility sector, bonds, and most importantly precious metals. I anticipated this and our XLU utilities ETF taken with members has already hit our first profit target, and our VIX ETF trade also hit out 15% profit target and we the balance of it is still up 25% as of yesterday.

Second, my birthday was this month, and I think its time I open the doors for a once a year opportunity for everyone to get a gift that could have some considerable value in the future.

For May I am going to give away and ship out silver rounds to anyone who buys a 1-year, or 2-year subscription to my Wealth Trading Newsletter. You can upgrade to this longer-term subscription or if you are new, join one of these two plans listed below, and you will receive:

1-Year Subscription Gets One 1oz Silver Round FREE
(Could be worth hundreds of dollars)

2-Year Subscription Gets TWO 1oz Silver Rounds FREE
(Could be worth a lot in the future)

I only have few silver rounds I’m giving away
so upgrade or join now before its too late!


Chris Vermeulen

Here we go again..  We’ve been nailing the Precious Metals moves for many months and we’ve heard from many of our followers and members about our research.  Some of you might remember our November 24, 2018 prediction that Gold would rally above $1300, then stall and set up a “Momentum Base pattern near April 21~24, 2019 .  We find it incredible that we can make a prediction about Gold nearly 6+ months ahead of the move using our proprietary predictive modeling tools and then sit back and wait for it to happen just as we predicted.

On March 28, 2019, we posted this research article regarding the “Final Buying Opportunity for Gold”.  Our researchers believe this current double-bottom setup is the last time you’ll see Gold prices below $1300 for quite some time in the future.  Again, we were warning our followers that the opportunity to position their gold trades was setting up and this low price setup may be the last time we see Gold near these lows.

Our current research suggests the bottoming is over and the new price leg should begin to prompt a Gold price rally over the next 5~7+ weeks targeting a level well above $1375 initially.

This Daily Gold chart highlights the price rotation and the Double-Bottom that has currently set up in Gold.  Our proprietary Fibonacci price modeling system is suggesting an upside price leg targeting at least $1330 (on this Daily chart) will become the initial upside price leg.  Remember, the Daily Fibonacci modeling system is predicting price moves over 10~30+ days.


This Weekly Gold chart is highlighting the same Fibonacci predictive price modeling system on long term data – weekly data.  You can see how we’ve highlighted the price rotation peaks and valleys as well as how the Fibonacci modeling system is predicting a broader upside price move with a target near $1425 or higher.

If you pay attention to the MAGENTA price rotations we’ve highlighted throughout the initial upside price move, you’ll see there are a total of FIVE (5) rotations within that first price leg.  A perfect 5 wave rotation upward.  Then, the following downside price move consisted of a THREE (3) wave downside price move – resulting in a DOUBLE-BOTTOM price formation.  Should this next wave, wave C, rally in equal form to Wave A, the upside price target for the move would be $1450.  We believe this next price advance will be bigger than Wave A and likely result in a price target range well above $1650.


As we’ve been saying for many months, get ready and here we go.  Once the protectionist moves into Cryptos have waned and traders realize the magnitude of this potential precious metals rally (as well as the fact that Cryptos will not provide the same level of protection as precious metals), the hunt for the shiny metals will be on.  It would be very wise to stay well ahead of this move and prepare for this upside leg now.

We have been trying to tell you about this move for over 6+ months.  We hope you’ve been paying attention and understand that even with a 4% to 8% price risk (or more) in your accumulation of Gold/Miners and precious metals positions, this trade is for the longer-term objective – not the short-term 8 to 12%.  This next upside price move could target the $2100 to $2400 level if it extends into a complex advancement wave.  That would mean Wave C could end well above $2100 and that Wave E could target the $5000 level or much higher.

We’ll keep you informed of this move, but you better start planning for this upside move before you miss this bottom. And just because we like to hear it – remember, we called this move back in November 2018 – over 6 months ago.

UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: First, we typically see stocks sell-off and as the old saying goes, “Sell in May and Go Away!” which is what has been happening.

So what does this mean? It means we should start to see money flow into the safe-haven assets like the Utility sector, bonds, and most importantly precious metals. I anticipated this and our XLU utilities ETF taken with members has already hit our first profit target, and our VIX ETF trade also hit out 15% profit target and we the balance of it is still up 25% as of yesterday.

Second, my birthday was this month, and I think its time I open the doors for a once a year opportunity for everyone to get a gift that could have some considerable value in the future.

For May I am going to give away and ship out silver rounds to anyone who buys a 1-year, or 2-year subscription to my Wealth Trading Newsletter. You can upgrade to this longer-term subscription or if you are new, join one of these two plans listed below, and you will receive:

1-Year Subscription Gets One 1oz Silver Round FREE
(Could be worth hundreds of dollars)

2-Year Subscription Gets TWO 1oz Silver Rounds FREE
(Could be worth a lot in the future)

I only have few silver rounds I’m giving away
so upgrade or join now before its too late!


Chris Vermeulen

Chris Vermeulen, Founder of The Technical Traders joins me to focus on a couple of commodities sectors. We start off with oil and a level that Chris is watching closely to buy. Then we look at the precious metals.


We continue to see money flow into the safe-haven assets like the Utility sector, bonds, and most importantly precious metals. I anticipated this and our XLU utilities ETF taken with members for 4.4% already, and our VIX ETF trade we closed for a 25% last week.

For May I am going to give away and ship out silver rounds to anyone who buys a 1-year, or 2-year subscription to my Wealth Trading Newsletter. You can upgrade to this longer-term subscription or if you are new, join one of these two plans listed below, and you will receive:


Chris Vermeulen

The US Memorial Day weekend is set up to become a very interesting time for investors.  The EU voting is complete and the change in EU leadership may move the markets a bit.  China appears to be playing a waiting game – attempting to hold the US/Trump at bay until after the 2020 US elections.  This week is certain to be very interesting for traders/investors.

The European stocks moved higher in trading on Monday as the relief from the EU election event and support for auto shares pushed the markets higher. The transition in the EU over the next few months will solidify into a political and social agenda.  The EU leadership must acknowledge these future objectives of all parties in order to maintain some level of calm.  It is evident that many EU nations are relatively satisfied with the current leadership while others are transitioning into more centrist leadership.  The next 4+ years will be full of further transition in the EU.

China is another global issue that is relatively unsettled.  We’ve been doing some research with regards to China and the potential future political and economic pathways that may become evident in the near-term future.  Our biggest concern is that China has been inflating their economic levels for decades and the true scope of the Chinese economy may be much weaker than everyone expects.  If our suspicions are correct and China has been inflating economic levels for many years, then the transition to a consumer/services-driven economy may be dramatically over-inflated and the US/China trade issues could be biting much harder than the Chinese want to admit.

The “Sell in May and go away” market saying may become absolute truth in 2019.  Our expectations are still suggesting that an attempt at new market highs may take place before August 2019, but the current market rotation (lower) is setting up a very strong potential for further downside price action at the moment.  Our proprietary Fibonacci price modeling system is suggesting the $7294 level in the NQ is key support.  Below this level, the NQ could break much lower and potentially target $6850 or lower.


The YM is setting up a similar price pattern with resistance near 25,840.  We believe this resistance will push prices lower as we move further into early June.  The potential for some type of surprise economic data or Fed/Global market move after this weekend is somewhat higher than expected.  There is a lot of shifting taking place throughout the globe and we believe this turbulence will reflect in the US market soon enough.


As of right now, our expectations are that a brief upside price rally will take place over the next 4~7+ days before a continued downside price trend may become evident.  Pay attention to the news cycles for key elements that could drive the US stock market lower.  We will continue to update you with regards to our proprietary research and expectations.  The next 7+ days will likely be nothing but sideways price rotation within a Pennant/Flag formation.

Read our research to understand how this setup coincides with the GOLD price setup and why it is important to understand why July 2019 is so important.  Please take a minute to review these recent research posts that focus more on the US Dollar and Gold, and also the July turning point for US Stocks.


We continue to see money flow into the safe-haven assets like the Utility sector, bonds, and most importantly precious metals. I anticipated this and our XLU utilities ETF taken with members for 4.4% already, and our VIX ETF trade we closed for a 25% last week.

For May I am going to give away and ship out silver rounds to anyone who buys a 1-year, or 2-year subscription to my Wealth Trading Newsletter. You can upgrade to this longer-term subscription or if you are new, join one of these two plans listed below, and you will receive:


Chris Vermeulen

After an incredible 7+week rally in Bitcoin, from $3700 to above $8000, the current price action is setting up for what may become an extended Pennant/Flag formation with quite a bit of sideways trading ahead.

Our researchers believe the past 7+ weeks rally in Bitcoin was prompted by a shift away from risk in Asia/China and into more suitable protection assets.  Cryptos appear to be the easy choice for many as this rally coincided with the April 3rd through 6th US/China trade talks in Washington, DC (https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3004961/us-says-theres-still-significant-work-be-done-trade-talks).  It appears that many investors were preparing for a difficult deadline after the March 1st deadline for a deal was pushed back.  These early April trade talks may have been interpreted as a “do or die” effort from both sides.  Again, shortly after the May 1st US/China trade talks in Beijing, Bitcoin began another rally from the $5200 level all the way up to the $8000 level.

Our contacts, although we admit they are fairly limited in total quantity, have stated the sentiment from locals in China are very pessimistic on the US and President Trump.  A few of our contacts have recently stated they have been laid off or terminated from their jobs and, as we understand, locals have already started to react in a protectionist mode.  This happens when economies contract quickly.  Consumers attempt to protect their wealth and assets by moving any capital they have into something more efficient than their local markets – thus Cryptos.

This Weekly Bitcoin chart highlights areas that we believe our current support and resistance levels.  The $8000~8100 level goes all the way back to the February 2018 low.  This is a critical level for trading as it became a massive price support level back in 2018 – and eventually became critical resistance in July 2018.  Additional resistance is found near $9900.


This Daily Bitcoin chart highlights what we believe are the current Key Highs and Key Lows that will tell us if the next phase will be a continued rally or a breakdown in price.  The Key Low near $7480 must hold for any further upside price advance.  If $7480 is broken, we would expect the next Key Low price to be targeted (near $6200).  Otherwise, if another rally breaks out and price rallies above the Key High, then we could see an upside target range between $9200 to $9700 very quickly.


You can see from our BLUE CHANNEL levels on the lower indicator that we believe a Pennant/Flag formation may be setting up in Bitcoin right now.  This type of price rotation is not uncommon after a big move like we’ve seen already and it could be a fairly wide price rotation as this sideways Pennant/Flag pattern continues.  The current range between Key Highs and Key Lows is about $2000 – lots of room for trading/traders.

The key to understanding this move is the protectionist thinking of the people of China.  They are very likely attempting to move their capital into something that is not Chinese Yuan based and away from traditional holdings (Gold, Real Estate, Jewelry or other assets).  Eventually, we will likely see Gold/Silver follow the rally in Cryptos if fear continues to hit the markets.  Cryptos, although, appear to have executed the first leg of the “fear trade” originating from the breakdown in the US/China trade negotiations.

An additional word of warning should be that any resolution to the US/China trade talks over the next 60+ days could remove any long term support for this upside move in Cryptos.  Pay attention to the news cycles and what is happening in China, the EU and the rest of the world.  As fast as it went up, it could easily break down as news hits.

Lots of great price action unfold to take advantage of. Subscribers just closed out a 24% winner and another 3.46% as the markets prepare for a new move. If you want my trade signals and alerts be sure to check out my Wealth Trading Newsletter.

Chris Vermeulen

Chris Vermeulen joined us today. He believes that the stock market is topping out if it hasn’t already. This will lead to increased volatility and a move back to safe haven assets, i.e. gold. He believes that oil will break down briefly into the ’50s and then come roaring back shortly thereafter. The bigger and faster the decline, the fast the bounce back. Interest rates are headed lower.

 Click Here to Listen to the Audio


The incredible strength of the US Dollar over the past 12+ months has put downward pricing pressure on Gold and Silver.  I believe this downward pricing pressure could be muting any upside price advanced in Gold and Silver by as much as 20% to 30% or more.

The US Dollar has turned into the global “safe-haven” for international investors and foreign governments.  Over the past 6 to 12 months, or more, the US Dollar has been the only fiat currency to see any strength and upward trend.  All the other major global currency levels have fallen – some dramatically lower.

The EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, and CHF have all fallen sharply over the past 6 to 12 months as the strength of the US Dollar and US Economy continued to surprise many.  We’ve been calling this a “capital shift” that started back in 2015~2016 – when the 2016 US Election cycle began and China began to implement capital controls.  At the same time, foreign nations such as Brazil and Venezuela began to shift into an economic abyss while the UK dealt with BREXIT negotiations.  All of these external factors created an environment where the US Dollar became a global safe-haven for global investors – all of which were seeking US equities and US Dollars to hedge weakening foreign currencies and weak foreign stock market performance.


I think that the US Dollar strength, in combination with the continued foreign Gold acquisitions has amounted to a resolved “reversion” in Gold prices that could reflect a 10% to 20% price anomaly.  In other words, the strength of the US Dollar has muted the advancing price of Gold by our estimates of 2x to 2.5x the strength of the US Dollar.  Over the past 12 months, the US Dollar rallied from 89.42 (April 2018) to 97.92 (May 2019: current price).  This reflects a 9.60% increase in the value of the US Dollar.

If my research is correct, the price of Gold should have rallied by about 18% to 26% from the April 2018 levels IF the US Dollar had not appreciated in value as it has.  Therefore, the true price of Gold should be somewhere near $1600 (18% above April 2018 levels) to $1700 (26% above April 2018 levels) if we attempted to eliminate the “reversion effect” of the US Dollar strength.

We come to this conclusion by statistically analyzing the US Dollar strength after April 2018 and how Gold reacted to this strength – by falling over 12.5% from near $1350 to a level near $1170.  That range of time reflected an 8% price advance in the US Dollar.  Thus, a ratio of 1.5 to 1 has clearly been established within that move.  More recently, from August 2018 till now, the US Dollar has rallied 1.47% while the price of Gold has rallied 8.87%.  The current price of Gold is -5.60% below the April 2018 price level.

If we were to assume that the rally in the US Dollar deflated the price appreciation of Gold by nearly equal ratios, then we take the April 2018 price of Gold ($1350) and add the related price variances of Gold over this span (essentially reverting the price of Gold to April 2018 US Dollar levels : $1350 * 1.27) and we end up with $1714.50.  This reflects a greater than 30% price anomaly from the current price of Gold.

Gold Futures – Goldchart by TradingView

We need to ask ourselves one simple question, what would it take for Precious Metals and the global stock markets to revert back to these expected price levels?  Would it be a move away from the US Dollar?  Would it be some shift in foreign currency valuations?  Would it be a combination of factors that drive greater fear into the markets and reflect a US Dollar valuation decline?  In the second part of this article, I will explore some possibilities and explain why I believe we are just days or weeks away from finding out exactly what will cause this price anomaly to revert along with my proprietary gold price cycle forecast.

I just highlighted the strength of the US Dollar in comparison to other foreign currencies and suggested this US Dollar strength may have created a “price anomaly” setup in Precious Metals – specifically Gold.  I believe a very unique setup is happening in the global markets right now and that the price of Gold is substantially undervalued compared to risks that are present throughout the global economies.  I believe the strength of the US Dollar has muted the upside potential of Gold by at least 20% to 30% over the past 12+ months and I believe a shift is taking place where Gold is starting to break these pricing constraints.

If the analysis is correct, I believe traders only have about 3~6+ weeks before we’ll find out why and what will cause this price anomaly to revert back to what I believe is “price normalcy”.  The strength of the US Dollar, as well as the continued global “capital shift” where foreign investors are piling into the US stock market and US Dollar related investments, have continued to put incredible pricing pressures on Precious Metals.  We believe this “shift” may be about to revert back to some levels of normalcy in term of Precious Metals pricing.

I believe a major Pennant/Flag formation is setting up in Gold where this price anomaly event will be resolved.  This type of price anomaly reset, or reversion will prompt a massive upside price advance in Gold and Silver that will attempt to restore proper pricing levels to the Precious Metals commodities.  I believe we are just weeks away from the completion of this Pennant/Flag apex/breakout event and believe the upside price targets identified align with a series of key events that are likely to unfold over the Summer months of 2019.  Take a few minutes to read the recent three-part research post regarding these events and how they relate to the global stock/commodity markets here.


Our predictive modeling systems have been warning that a price advance in Gold and Silver will take place between April/May of 2019 and Aug/Sept or 2019.  We are calling this the “initial upside price leg” because we believe this upside price move will be just the beginning of a much larger move higher for Precious Metals.  We’ve highlighted some of the biggest concerns we currently have related to the global stock market price appreciation levels and the concerns related to the US Presidential Election cycle in precious articles – Please read them here :

We believe it is imperative to alert all investors/traders of this event and to attempt to allow all investors/traders to plan for what may become one of the biggest global stock market swings in recent history as well as one of the biggest moves in Precious Metals in history.

My proprietary cycle analysis and trade signals are suggesting a mild price recovery in Gold will prompt moderate upside pricing pressure over the next 10~20+ days.  This aligns perfectly with our Pennant/Flag formation, see the previous chart.  It would be expected that Gold prices would form a moderate price support level near $1270 before moving back up to the upper Pennant price channel, near $1295.  Then, price should set up the “Apex Breakout” move – which will likely be a “washout-low” price rotation (somewhere near or below $1270) with a very quick reversal to the upside – breaking $1330 and rallying much higher.  This type of rotation is very common and often prompts traders to jump into short positions on the “washout-low” formation before getting clobbered on the reversal/rally.  Be prepared.


Lastly, we want to alert everyone to a chart we’ve been following that could become a determining factor for the future of the global stock market levels, the US Dollar and Precious Metals.  The one thing we don’t want to see is a massive decline in yield in the 2 Year Treasuries.  This would indicate failed growth expectations throughout the globe and, in particular, reflect concerns that the US markets could contract/decline in-line with further global market devaluations.

We’ve already been trying to warn investors that the US Presidential Election cycle will likely create a stalling price pattern in the US stock market.  We’ve been warning, for the past 18 months, that Gold is setting up a massive bottom/breakout formation.  We’ve recently highlighted the global concerns (Europe, China, US, and others) that may combine to create something like a “perfect storm” for currencies and the global equities markets.  If that translates into “yield weakness” in the US Treasuries, think about how that would translate into the Precious Metals “reversion” that we are suggesting is only a few weeks away?

Chart courtesy of www.crescat.net


We strongly urge investors to pay very close attention to our research and prepare for this event.  Yes, the Capital Shift event is still taking place and as long as nothing disrupts this shift, capital will continue to flow into the US Dollar and US Equities.  Our concern is that the charts are telling us we are very near to the end of this event cycle and we are alerting all of our followers so they can prepare for this move.  It may start out mildly – it may not.  We do know that our predictive modeling systems are suggesting that July/August 2019 are on our radar for a major price rotation/event.


First, we typically see stocks sell-off and as the old saying goes, “Sell in May and Go Away!” which is what has been happening.

So what does this mean? It means we should start to see money flow into the safe-haven assets like the Utility sector, bonds, and most importantly precious metals. I anticipated this and our XLU utilities ETF taken with members has already hit our first profit target, and our VIX ETF trade also hit out 15% profit target and we the balance of it is still up 25% as of yesterday.

Second, my birthday was this month, and I think its time I open the doors for a once a year opportunity for everyone to get a gift that could have some considerable value in the future.

For May I am going to give away and ship out silver rounds to anyone who buys a 1-year, or 2-year subscription to my Wealth Trading Newsletter. You can upgrade to this longer-term subscription or if you are new, join one of these two plans listed below, and you will receive:

1-Year Subscription Gets One 1oz Silver Round FREE
(Could be worth hundreds of dollars)

2-Year Subscription Gets TWO 1oz Silver Rounds FREE
(Could be worth a lot in the future)

I only have 25 silver rounds I’m giving away
so upgrade or join now before its too late!


Happy May Everyone!

Chris Vermeulen


Our continued efforts to alert and assist fellow traders to the incredible setups that are currently happening throughout the globe with regards to increased global economic tensions are starting to take root.  We are hearing from our readers and follower and we love the comments we are receiving.  Near April/May 2018, we started predicting that the end of 2018 and almost all of 2019/2020 were going to include incredible opportunities for skilled traders.  We made these predictions at about the same time that we issued a series of incredible calls regarding the future market moves in 2018 & 2019.

April 22, 2018: Predictive Modeling Is Calling For A Continued Rally

May 8, 2018: If You Knew What We Knew…

September 17, 2018: Predictive Trading Model Suggests Falling Stock Prices During US Elections

January 20, 2019: Will China Surprise The Market?


Our most recent multiple-part research post regarding the current global economic environment and how EU elections, US/China trade issues and a very contentious US Presidential Election cycle are poised to continue driving increased price volatility just hit the digital medium last weekend (https://www.thetechnicaltraders.com/us-vs-global-sector-rotation-what-next-part-ii/ ).  We urge all of our followers to read this detailed article about how a series of global events are stacking up to create incredible opportunities for skilled traders.

Today, we are focusing on Crude Oil because our proprietary adaptive learning Fibonacci modeling system is suggesting a surge of massive volatility is very likely to happen over the next few months in Crude Oil and we believe the DOWNSIDE price risk is the most likely outcome at this point.  Fibonacci price theory dictates that price must ALWAYS attempt to seek out new price highs or new price lows – ALWAYS.  We interpret this price requirement as the following:

“Tracking major price peaks and valleys, one can determine if the price is currently achieving new higher high price levels or lower low price levels (thus continuing the price trend) or failing to reach these new higher high or lower low levels.  Any failure to reach new higher highs or lower lows is a warning that price may be attempting to continue a previous price trend or reversing.”

This Weekly chart of Crude Oil clearly illustrates our thinking in terms of this Fibonacci price theory component and other technical aspects.  The CYAN price trend line (downward sloping) suggests a failure to establish any new price highs over the longer term trend.  Additionally, the recent downward price rotation suggests price weakness may be returning to Crude Oil.  Pay very special attention to the Fibonacci price projection levels on the right side of this chart.  Notice that the upside price projections start near $74 and the downside price projections start near $33.  This is an incredible $41 price range in Crude Oil and this very wide Fibonacci projection range suggests massive volatility is about to hit.


This Daily Crude Oil chart showing our proprietary Fibonacci price modeling system’s results also suggests incredible upside and downside price projections.  The upside levels target the current price level (near $63.50) as well as additional levels above $70.  The downside levels target a range of lower price objectives between $53 and $57.  The current Fibonacci price target level (CYAN) is quite interesting as it suggests Oil prices will find resistance near $63.50 and potentially move lower if this upside price trend fails.


Therefore, we take the entire analysis into consideration and come to the following conclusion:

If price falls below the $64 level and begins to move below $61.85 (the Daily Fibonacci Bearish Trigger Level), then we would consider the current upside price trend to have “failed” in attempting to reach a “new higher high” level (which would require price to move to levels above $66.60).  This conclusion would suggest that the failure of the upside price move should prompt a downside price move attempting to take out the $60.07 lows (attempting to establish a “new lower low” price level).

The longer-term downward sloping price channel suggests the failure to achieve recent higher price highs is indicative of a failed rally attempt which will prompt a new downside price move in the near future.  The only condition that could reverse this analysis is if Oil prices rallied above $66.60 and attempted to break the longer term price channel.

It is our opinion that Crude Oil will attempt a move lower, attempting to breach the $60.07 low price level and attempt a move back to levels near $55 to $56 before finding support.  This current rotation in price is a process of setting up a downward sloping Pennant/Flag formation (we believe).  Global economic factors, being what they are right now, are likely to see increased supply and decreased demand for Oil across the planet – at least until more clarity and resolution is established with the US/China trade issues and the US Presidential elections.

Get ready for a big move in Crude Oil.  Our analysis suggests the move will be to the downside with a downside target between $53 and $55 right now.  Any further price expectations will be updated as we get further information from our proprietary price modeling systems.  Remember, any new conflicts/wars with Iran or in the Middle East will push Oil prices much higher and negate the technical analysis/supply/demand price analysis we’ve presented.  We would not like to see any conflicts happen, but we have to be aware that this reality exists and that Oil could rally well past $70 if a new conflict occurred.

If you want to follow the exact trades I take while learning to read the charts and make money be sure to join my Wealth Trading Newsletter today!

Chris Vermeulen

In our continued effort to help skilled traders/investors understand the future risks associated with geopolitical market turmoil, the EU Elections next week and the continued US/China trade war, this Part III of our Sector Rotation article will highlight certain sectors that we believe may continue to perform over the next 12 to 24+ months and help traders/investors survive any extended price volatility/rotation over that same time. Read Part I, and Part II.

Currently, the US stock market has weathered a bit of a jolt in terms of price rotation.  After many stock indexes reached new all-time highs, the news of Iran Oil Sanctions, US/China trade talks failing and the political turmoil in DC as an incredible 2020 US Presidential election cycle heats up, investors are watching the markets for any signs of strength or weakness.  Meanwhile, the US Dollar continues to strengthen against other global currencies in an incredible show of “King Dollar” strength and dominance.  All of this plays into one of our favorite narratives that we started discussing over 30 months ago – the Global Capital Shift.

For those of you who remember our many articles about this global market phenomenon and the root causes of it, we’ll try to keep the following example/explanation of it fairly short.  For those of you that are new to our research, please allow us to try to explain the Capital Shift event and why it is important to understand.

The Capital Shift started after the 2008-09 global credit market collapse.  The US and many other nations created an easy money policy that was designed to spark investment and recovery across the globe.  This easy money, at first, supported failing companies and governments in order to maintain social order and structure.  After that process was completed, this capital went to work investing in under-valued global markets and assets.  As prices continued to rise and the easy money policies became rooted into the social structure, the hunt for greater returns rotated throughout the planet – diving into undervalued markets and opportunities, often with no regard for risk.

After 2014, things began to change in the US and throughout the planet.  The US entered a period of extended sideways trading that caused many investors to reconsider the “buy the dip” mentality.  In 2014-15, China initiated “capital controls” in an effort to prevent outflows of capital from a newly rich population and corporate structure.  Just before 2014, the Emerging Markets went through a period of pricing collapse which was associated with over-inflated expectations and $100+ oil.  All of that started changing in 2014~2016 as Oil prices collapsed – taking with it the expectations and promises of many Emerging Market investors and speculators.

This shifting of capital in search of “returns with a moderate degree of risk” is what we are calling the “Capital Shift Event”.  It is still taking place and it is our opinion that the US stock market will become the central focus of global capital investment over the next 4+ years.  We believe the strength of the US Dollar and the strength of the US Stock Market/US Economy will drive future capital investment into US and other US Associated major markets in an attempt to avoid risks associated with the foreign market and currency market valuations.  In other words, when the crap starts flying across the globe, cash will rush into the US and other safe-haven investments to protect real value.


Currently, the potential for another price decline in Crude Oil is rather strong with our research expecting a move back below $55 ppb over the next 4+ months.  We believe a further economic contraction across the globe with a very strong potential for increased price volatility will drive Oil prices back below $55 with a very strong potential for prices to settle near $46~48 before the downward trend is completed.

The potential for some type of price contraction over the next 12+ months will be related to how the global and localized economic concerns play out over the next 24+ months.  Yet, investors can prepare for these extended price rotations now by becoming aware of weakening price trends and the potential that certain sectors will likely be hit harder than others.  For example, the most recent price weakness in the US stock market appears to be focused in certain sectors:

Technology, Semiconductors, Scientific Instruments, Financials, Asset Management, Property Management, Banking (Generally all over the US), Consumer Goods – Electronics, Airlines, Mail Order Services, Industrial Goods, Aerospace/Defense, Farming and Farming Supply, Medical Laboratories, Medical Appliances, Oil & Gas and others.  This type of market contraction is fairly common in an early stage Commodity and Industrial economic slowdown.


The sectors that are improving over the past week are : Healthcare, Electric Utilities, Diversified Utilities, Gas Utilities, Consumer Personal Products, Consumer Confectioners, Cigarettes, Entertainment, Beverages and Soft Drinks, Meat Products, Specialty Eateries, REITS (almost all types), Credit Services, Telecom and Telecom/Communication Services.

All of these are protectionist rallies based on the US/China trade war and the market rotation away from Technology/manufacturing growth and into more consumer protectionist spending mode – where the consumer and larger firms focus on core items while expecting a mild recession within the economy.  All of this is very common at this time within the US Presidential Election cycle.  In fact, our researchers have shown that nearly 80% of the time when a major US presidential election is taking place, the US stock markets will decline within the 24 months prior to the election date.

The Monthly S&P heat map is not much different.  It is still showing weakness where we expect and strength in sectors that have been somewhat dormant over the past 4+ years.  The key to success for skilled traders is to be able to play this future price rotation very effectively as the different sectors continue to rotate headed into the 2020 US Presidential Elections and with all of the external foreign market factors taking place.


It is quite likely that the US Dollar will continue to push high, possibly well above $102, before finding any real resistance.  It is very likely that most of the US stock market will fair quite well over the next 24+ months – yet we do expect some extended price rotation over this time and we believe Technology, Financials, Real estate, and Industrial/Consumer related stock sectors could take a hit over the next 16 to 24 months.  These rotations are, again, common for this type of US Presidential Election cycle.  Skilled traders are already aware of this cycle and have begun to prepare for this event to unfold.  The unknowns of the current global market is China and the EU at present.


And with that last US Dollar chart, there you have it.  Our three-part article about how the Global Capital Shift is about to intensify and continue to drive a US Sector rotation that many traders have failed to consider.  The EU elections, the US/China trade wars, and the US Presidential Election event are all big factors in what we believe will drive in an increased level of uncertainty over the next 16~24 months.  Additionally, we are very concerned that China is very close to experiencing what we are calling a “broken backbone” over the next 12+ months.  We believe the pricing pressures in combination with a slowing economy and a consumer move into a protectionist stance could create a waterfall event in China/Asia.

Our advice for traders is to protect open long positions and to prepare for 16 to 36 months of “repositioning” of the global markets.  The US elections are certain to drive an incredible range of future expectations throughout the world.  Combine that with the EU elections, the BREXIT effort and the continued repositioning of US/China/Foreign market relations and we are setting up for a big shock-wave event in the near future.

Follow our research.  We’ve already mapped out the next 24 to 36 months of market price activity with our proprietary price modeling tools.  We believe we know what will happen over the next 24 to 36 months, we are just waiting for the price to confirm our analysis. Visit www.TheTechnicalTraders.com to learn more.

Chris Vermeulen
Technical Traders Ltd.